Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club


We have had a fantastic year in breakfast club. Each week our dedicated parents have served hundreds of student's breakfasts and made a difference to their learning outcomes and increased their concentration in class.


We would like to thank our amazing volunteers for taking time out of their busy lives every single week to run the breakfast club, we would not be able to run the program without you! 


Thank you to Laura, Lauren, Emma, Tamara, Bronwyn and Sandra! 

We hope to see some more faces around next year! 


Jade Hansted, Rachelle Kregor, Sue Williams



Thank you


We would like to take a moment to thank all our wonderful volunteers who have been a tremendous help over the year. Without them we would not be able to run the breakfast club program and we are very grateful that they give up some of their mornings to run the program. Should you like to volunteer, we are always looking and can always use an extra pair of hands. Please email Jade Hansted at for more information.