Welcome to Prep B



As we have reached our final term in Prep, we have reflected on our year and how far we have come. We are now writing sentences and stories, can add numbers and count to 100, and most of all are looking forward to Grade One!

As part of our Resilience Project sessions, this week we made stress balls using rice and balloons. It was a lot of fun! We have been working on being resilient and pushing ourselves to take on challenges in our learning. 








In Maths this term we have looked at Mass and Capacity, and had some fun sorting containers based on which holds more or less sand. We made comparisons like ‘I wonder which holds more, a swimming pool or a bathtub?’ or ‘a shoe or a canoe?’ and had to explain our reasoning.











During our Literacy sessions this term we have looked at personal and informative writing, and learnt about different community helpers such as police officers, builders and firefighters. We enjoyed making our policeman headbands and learning about the different and important jobs that police officers and other community helpers have. 








We are so close to Grade One we can smell it!