Assistant Principal's Report 


We have some students in the Year 3-4 area who have excelled in their recent PE unit on Cricket. As Part of our Student Excellence Program, these students had the opportunity to compete against other schools in the T20 Blast Cricket tournament at Toomuc Reserve in Pakenham. 


They all had a fantastic day and did a great job representing Orchard Park Primary School











On Tuesday, 13th December all students will be participating in our step-up program, where they will meet their classroom teacher for 2023.  


On this day, we will have all new staff with us and students will meet their 2023 Classroom Teacher, our new Specialist Teachers and see which other students they will have with them in their class in 2023. 


Please note that at Orchard Park Primary School, we do not take parent requests for the placement of your child in classes. Please have professional trust in our staff. There are a number of considerations that go into finalising groupings for our students and our staff work extremely hard to balance these groups based on a number of factors.  Our priority is always the social and emotional wellbeing of each child as well as providing the best academic opportunities. 



Our library stocktake will be commencing very soon. We ask that all families support their children in locating any overdue books and returning them to the school. Any child with an overdue book will be sent home a letter detailing the title of the missing text(s). 


The stocktake is extremely important as it supports us in identifying exactly what needs to be ordered for 2023. 




Student reports will go live on Compass at the end of the day on Friday, the 9th of December. The reports will provide families with detailed insights into the learning that has been covered throughout the second semester of the year.


If you have any questions about your child’s report, we ask that you email your child’s teacher on Compass. The classroom teacher will arrange to call you back and discuss any questions you may have. 




Maintaining high expectations around our school uniform is very important at Orchard Park Primary School.  We want our students to be connected and proudly wear our full school uniform. 


Some parents may begin purchasing new school uniform in the upcoming months for the new year. I just want to remind our families also that the uniform policy clearly states that shoes need to be plain black. Please ensure this is considered with future purchases of shoes. PSW our uniform provider price list can be found on our website.


As of week one next year, we will enforce this policy more strictly. Students not in the correct uniform will be issued with a uniform infringement on Compass. 


I can’t emphasise enough the importance of making sure all uniform items, in particular hats, jumpers and jackets are clearly labelled with your child’s name. This assists in misplaced items being returned to the student. As we are in a Sun Smart period right now, a school hat is also compulsory.