Parent Information

Welcome Susan!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Susan Johnstone and I am a Department of Education occupational therapist (DoE OT). Next year, I have the pleasure of being employed to work at Rockhampton North Special School one day a week. As an OT, my job is to support clients to do what they want to or need to do in their everyday life. However, as a DoE OT, my role is a little different to your NDIS or Private OTs…My job involves building capacity of school staff to support all students being able to access, participate and achieve in school. In this role, I will be focusing on enabling students to engage in learning by helping teachers and teacher aides to understand the sensory processing needs of their students, how to support their students’ ability to regulate their emotions and how to use assistive technology to enable students to access curriculum activities in alternative ways. To do this I will be working with staff mostly at a whole class or whole school level.
I am looking forward to this opportunity and working with your child next year!
Susan Johnstone
Staff Farewells
This year we farewell two of our staff members - Hayley & Jacob! We wish you all the best with your new ventures - RNSS will miss you both!
Community Conversations - Save the date
What: "Community Conversations" with NDIS
Date: 17 February 2023
Location: Rockhampton North Special School.
More details to come.
Free Dental Treatment for RNSS Students
CQ Health is offering full dental treatment to the students currently enrolled at your school up to and including Year 10, commencing January 2023. This service will be provided by the Frenchville School Dental Clinic located on Frenchville Road, Frenchville 4701.
Oral Health Therapist, Tom Hamilton will be the health professional on site. Please direct any enquiries to the school dental administrative team on 4920 7556 / 4920 6372 or Liza Pretorius on 4920 7553 during business hours.
Good oral health is an important part of healthy living, and we appreciate your cooperation and welcome any questions you may have regarding our service.
Parents will be responsible for ensuring their child/children attend at the agreed appointment times.
Please note: Due to the access at the Frenchville School Dental clinic, any students who have wheelchairs will be booked for an appointment at the Rockhampton Community Dental Clinic.