What we've been up to...

Year 6 Graduation
Congratulations to our Year 6 students, who had their Graduation Assembly yesterday!
Upper Primary - Time Capsules
Recently Upper Primary 3 opened Time Capsules that we made and buried back in June when we completed a HASS unit on memories!!!
We were surprised to find just how much we had all changed. Our hands were bigger, our hair was shorter or longer but our tastes in food had not changed. The biggest difference was seeing how much taller we had all become. While most of us grew between 1 to 2 cm, Naomi is taller by a huge 7 cm!!
Hello Parents, Carers and Students,
Well done to all of the students, from Prep to Year 9, who participated in the Premiers Reading Challenge 2022.
Throughout Queensland 167,000 participants from more than 940 schools read a total of 2.39 million books!
The Premiers Reading Challenge has closed for this year and all students who participated have been given their Premiers Reading Challenge Certificate.
If a student did not receive their Certificate, please contact me via my email address and I will follow it up. My email address is hwals56@eq.edu.au
The Candy Bar
Thank you to local small business The Candy Bar for supporting senior secondary students completing a Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies. Students created an submitted advertisements for selection by business owner.
~ Created by Rory