Leadership Report

Dear families,
It’s the end of our 2022 school year and we have lots to celebrate! As partners in ensuring our students receive the best learning they can, we celebrate our growth together, because no one can achieve what we have achieved this year without the support of each other. So, thank you for your continuous support of our staff and community.
Some of the highlights that I would like to share with you are:
- More students are now able to read than before: 23% of student were on a reading level at the start of the year and now there are 43% of students on a reading level.
- More students are engaged in classroom lessons through Project Based Learning, based on the Action Research presentations as well as Positive Behaviour for Learning data. I was overwhelmed with the depth and quality of PBL Action Research presentations presented by each Professional Learning Team over the past week. A big applause to every member of our staff.
- Based on the Literacy Continua comparison between this year and last year, all students demonstrated an overall progress in the Literacy Concepts of Reading Text, Comprehension, Vocabulary Knowledge, Aspects of Writing, Aspects of Speaking, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness and Concepts about Print.
- An increase in opportunities for students to develop their Critical and Creative Thinking through accessing specialists' subjects in Visual Art, Performing Arts, Science and Technology. During the Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony the students talked about their favourite subjects. Every student had at least one of the specialists' subjects as their favourite subject which leads to an increase in student engagement.
- I have read all of the report comments and the progress students have made through high quality teaching and learning opportunities is another huge celebration. Thank you to all of our staff for making this possible.
- One fifth of our student population moved up one year level in a subject area this year.
- The Positive Behaviour for Learning data shows that more students' behaviours are now in Tier 1 and less in Tier 3. Tier 1 behaviours indicate the expected level of behaviour by our students whereas Tier 3 indicate the least desirable behaviours. Our aim is for 80% of students to display Tier 1 behaviour, 15% display Tier 2 behaviours and 5% Tier 3 behaviours. Please see the graphs below:
We were able to secure two weekdays of swimming every week for Term 1 and Term 4 for next year. Our secondary students will participate in the swimming program from Week 2 in Term 1 for the whole term and the primary students in Term 4. We are able to subsidise part of the swimming program to allow for more students to take part in the swimming program. The total cost per family has come down to $60.00 for the term. More information and consent letters will be sent out this week.
We had our third reading workshop last week with great attendance again. We are very grateful to all who attended any of the workshops and will run more next year. Our PLTs are all very excited for the new year and preparations are heavily underway for our 2023 classes. With the final data coming in, we are very proud to announce that 20 of our students are increasing in their academic year levels, nearly a fifth of our school! This is a brilliant achievement and should be celebrated.
The facilities are still progressing, however a little slower than originally anticipated, due to the wet weather. The builders are working on the foundations of the new building. Over the holidays, they will be working hard to have a concrete slab down and will be looking at having scaffolding being erected late January/early February. We look forward to seeing the changes, once we come back to school next year.
We are looking forward to seeing everybody tonight at our End of Year Concert at the Heritage Village.
Have a safe and lovely holiday. Merry Christmas to you all 😊
Kind regards,
Dehlia, Sam, Amy & Alana