News from Christine Cross

Director of Mission

Notes from Service Captain Michael Doolan. 

Rosies sees several Year 12s go out to meet and chat with some of the less privileged members of our society. Rosies is an eye-opening experience, allowing us to see how much difference a simple cup of coffee and a chat can make in someone’s day. Usually, Rosies cannot continue over the Christmas holidays but due to an immense amount of support from several students, and the dedication of staff, we were able to continue this vital work well into the holidays. I thank all the gents who volunteered for Rosies over the holidays and especially our teachers, Br John and Mr Seivers for taking the time out of their holidays to attend. I also thank Mrs Cross for supporting our ambition and our appetite towards service even while she was on holidays.
After the amazing success of the Vinnie’s Christmas Hamper Appeal last year, we are gearing up for our next major service event, MAPS. MAPS or Marist Asia Pacific Solidarity allows us to fundraise for Marist communities across the Indo-Pacific region, giving us the ability to help the less fortunate members of our Marist family.


Leadership Day 

The prefects joined together for a Leadership Day on Friday 27 January, to prepare for the year ahead. Various activities kept them busy including a skills workshops, goal setting, pledge writing. It ended with a meal shared with the Brothers in their residence and a celebration of the year ahead with a Mission ceremony, during which College Principal Glen Seivers gave the following blessing. 

May God, the giver of all good gifts, bestow strength, compassion and conviction on each of you. We pray that you recognise that you were created and called for a special purpose and your presence here at Saints is meaningful. May the passion to serve and to bring the light of Christ to others, be ignited in you as you carry out your student leadership role. We make this prayer in the name of Christ, our Lord.


College Captains Make a Special Connection

Old Boy Oliver Koch, College Captain of 2017, gave an inspiring speech at yesterday's Academic Assembly and it was very well received. Current College Captain Dyson Nelder  was particularly impressed to see him as they now have something in common. For the last 10 years a tie has been passed from captain to captain, and it has each of their names on it. Dyson is the tenth recipient, and they were able to share a special bond by both holding the tie for the photo below. While this is a physical tie, the bonds created at Saints are much more than that. Dyson and the 2023 prefects have launched the “How you goin’ mate?” Campaign to develop stronger companionship within the College, and already 3000 conversations have been started with this line.  The connection to the Saints Brotherhood grows stronger with each new year.