OSHC - Disco Fever

What's Been Happening

Activities to look forward to next week

Monday:  Sizzling snakes

Tuesday:  Foil art

Wednesday:  Web of  spiders

Thursday:  Felt owls

Friday:  Origami butterflies


Pupil Free Day 4th November 2019

There is a register on the OSHC Parent Desk for you to register your intent to use the Program.  You will be notified 1 week in advance if the Program does not have enough children to proceed.


Signing Children In and Out

Parents must sign their children in and out of the program.  It is causing issues when we compare staff ratios to the number of children in attendance.


Evacuation Procedures took place on 3rd October 2019 during the September Holiday Program and 7th October 2019 at the After School Care Program.  The children responded in an appropriate manner which reinforces the fact that the procedures and expectations are now clear to all.


Gallery of events over the September School Holiday Program