Girri Girri Excursion to Katoomba

Hike in the Blue Mountains

On the 10 November fourteen Aboriginal students and three staff attended a Blue Mountains hike. The purpose of this trip was to learn about our culture. We had an early start to get to Scenic World, Katoomba where we met former Cowra High student David Newton or in Aboriginal language Yamandirra. On the 4 hour journey we learnt about native Aboriginal plants used for bush tucker and medicinal purposes, Aboriginal stories and other important cultural information. The plants we learnt about included: 

  • Lemon scented tea tree which was used for the respiratory system
  • The yellow wattle tree which provides a natural antibacterial soap
  • The grevillea which is nature’s Gatorade
  • The black boy which has multiple uses
  • The candle stick banksia which can be used as a hair brush and a fire starter

As we stood on a lookout overseeing The Three Sisters, Yama suggested that there are actually seven sisters but the other four siblings are hard to see. He also told us an Aboriginal Dreamtime story that related to how the sisters were turned to stone by their father when a warrior was being disrespectful to them.


Yamandirra explained the significance of the ochre used in ceremonies and dance which we performed to get in touch with Mother Earth. Then we had the chance to cool our feet in a natural waterfall.


We really enjoyed the experience with Yama and his passion for teaching Aboriginal culture and we hope to go back soon and learn even more.


By Brooke Graham & Blake Williams​