Year 4 Inquiry
In Week 6, the Year 4's went to the Melbourne Musuem, and ventured to all the exhibitions, including Dynamic Earth and Dinosaurs. Mia, Ryan and Arshia share their accounts:
First People Exhibition
The first people exhibition was all about different languages, different aboriginal tries and how they survive. It was really spiritual and amazing! It had all of their weapons in a glass cabinet and all the food they would eat. The room also had miniature headphones that had a lady speaking and telling you how to say some words in indigenous languages. It was very informational.
The next exhibition was a beautiful rainforest full of different birds. I found a rainbow lorikeet. The rainforest was so exquisite! I loved it. My favourite part about the rainforest was all the birds.
Dynamic Earth
Thirdly my group went to the Dynamic Earth exhibition where we got to watch a 3D movie. The 3D movie was fantastic! After that Josh, Aj and I went to look at the crystals.
Bugs Alive
Next we went to the bug exhibit! It was disgusting! There was a short film about bugs becoming alive, it was very perilous! There were tarantula spiders which I really didn’t like. There was almost every single bug imaginable!
The last thing we did was play on the playground with our friends. I did lots of flips on the bars. It was the end of the day so we now had to go back to school on the bus after an amazing day at the museum.