Students gathered at the doors of Monash Theatre, it was far, far too cold, everyone was far, far too tired, never the less spirits were high. It was the first full cast rehearsal for Popstars; the 90’s Musical. All the chocolate was consumed before the dressing rooms were even unlocked. Costumes were unpacked- though by the end some were held together with safety pins and sheer force of will, the smell of hairspray and floral deodorant laced the corridors. Soon our first matinee began, eyes thick with layers of eyeshadow, mascara, glitter and fake eyelashes blinked in the darkness of backstage. Racing through corridors, silently screaming directions into live mics, backstage frantically signalling to each other from opposite sides of the stage and lightning fast costume changes only added to the atmosphere. Lines were forgotten and adlibbed but mostly remembered. There were too many spontaneous dance parties in the dressing rooms to count. Emotions were running high at the end of our last show, teary goodbyes were made as if we were farewelling each other for years instead of just until Friday when we would see each other again. No one could quite believe it was over, well, nearly over. We still had countless snapchats to remember it by, not to mention a celebratory afternoon tea and one awesome party in the Banksia Hall to come.

Though our fun was not without hard work, tears, sore throats, aching muscles from dancing and a few asthma attacks. We had been rehearsing since early March. Frantically learning lines, finding costumes, practising dances and singing until our lungs were fit to burst during every lunch, recess and between classes. Scripts were well thumbed and known off by heart by our fabulous leads. We all gained confidence, improved our performance skills and met lots of new people during rehearsals. Songs were soon stuck in our heads, constant ear worms to temporarily distract us from polynomials or English essays.

From the 1-4th of August we congregated in Monash George Jenkins Theatre, performing two matinees to local primary schools, VCAL and international students and also two evening performances to friends, families, teachers and classmates. We also had a two full cast dress rehearsals and a hectic day dedicated to setting up props, a three hour lighting plot and numerous mic checks.

A production like ours was not without help, and we were lucky enough to have received lots of it. On behalf of the entire cast I’d like to thank… Our amazing costume designers, Mrs Claringbold, Mrs Collard and Mrs Farag, Mrs Ros Williams for directing (I could go on and list everything Mrs Williams has done for us but it’d be as long as the script!). Mrs Mikecz for all her help and for telling us to sing louder, it definitely paid off in the end! All of our fabulous backstage crew. Heather Mackay for spending hours choreographing each routine with careful consideration and for the dab in ‘…Baby One More Time’. Lauren Sexton for the serious work she put in learning her many lines and helping others learn there’s. All the girls that came down to lend a hand doing hair and makeup. Luke Greig for supplying us all with Chicken Now. Mrs Bell and her recruits on spotlights. Mrs Zimmerling for the hilarious vocal warm ups and for managing sound and mics. The Candy Girls for the incredible effort they put into each rehearsal and performance. Mr McCabe for letting us blast the radio and sing at the tops of our voices on the bus ride home. Our amazing year seven boys who knew every lyric to every song. All the parents and teachers who came and lent a hand backstage or helping us make props etc. All our year 12’s who despite the busy year they have, took on lead roles, became amazing leaders and role models for the younger students and aced each performance. I’ll stop there though there are countless others that played a huge part in the show, both onstage and off.

Overall we had an AWESOME time, if you saw the show and thought you might like to join in come and sign up next year, the more the merrier! And to the rest of the cast all I have to say is this ‘Its right step stamp, STAMP, STAMP, STAMPEDY STAMP, STAMP!’

By Lucaya Rich