Chaplain's Corner

Hi Everyone!

Cherophobia is the irrational fear of fun or happiness.


Recently I was speaking with a 7 year old at another school and I became quite concerned for his wellbeing as he seemed to be holding back from expressing positive feelings such as happiness and joy.  If he was about to laugh, he would stop himself.  He stated, ‘I don’t know why so many things are happening to us’ (Mum & himself).  Yes, things have recently been difficult.  Then he mentioned some of the conversations he had had with Mum as she tried to work through the issues herself, and this was impacting her son’s outlook too.

Sometimes we forget as adults that children cope differently to us, and teens cope differently again. 

One important aspect of helping our children to become resilient and happy adults who develop positive ways of coping throughout life, is to create a sense of FUN.  This is particularly important at present as we all deal with the COVID pandemic and the difficulties it may present.  It will also help our children to develop positive friendships.

Dr. Justin Coulson is a quite well-known Australian psychologist specialising in ‘happy families’ ( He is the father of SIX daughters! My parents have six daughters and one son – Peter, my husband, doesn’t know how my father coped!  Hmm……


So, how do we define ‘fun’ you may ask

Dr. Coulson suggests that all you have to do is ask your children, ‘Who do you think is fun?’ They’ll be the kids who laugh, smile, joke around, and look at life through an optimistic lens.

He makes 5 suggestions for families:

  1. Play together
  2. Encourage them to try new things - It also develops resilience and gives our kids a sense of accomplishment and independence.
  3. Smile and laugh – be ‘silly’.
  4. Focus on a glass ‘half full’ – the 'cans', not the 'can’ts'.
  5. Fantasise about the future – eg. Stories about ‘Spaceland’!

It is well worth reading other articles and listening to podcasts on Dr. Coulson’s website, as he explores many aspects of parenting.


As I was researching the topic of FUN, I came across the following FUN facts to share around the dinner table

A baby octopus is about the size of a flea when it is born.

A sheep, a duck, and a rooster were the first passengers to take a trip in a hot air balloon. 1783

On average, men get bored of a shopping trip after 26 minutes.

7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows.

The first alarm clock could only ring at 4 am.  Arrgh!

Learn more about these facts and others at:



            TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE!                  Robyn Mulholland (School Chaplain)


Since writing this article another lockdown has been announced.  I am aware of how mentally fatiguing recent lockdowns have been for ALL age groups.  I would still like to encourage you to find the positives as this is very important for the mental wellbeing of yourselves and your children.  Children need to have positive and gratuitous attitudes modelled to them.  ALSO PLEASE FIND TIME FOR FUN!!