From the Principal

Changes to Federal Government Funding

Many families may have seen a recent episode of the ABC’s 7.30 Report in relation to adverse impacts on regional independent schools due to funding changes from the Federal government.  These funding cuts impact a number of regional schools across the country, including Great Southern Grammar.  


The new funding model is based on the direct median income (DMI) of parents of the School, which is calculated by using data from the Australian Taxation Office.  Under the DMI model, some schools in metropolitan areas will not have any cuts in funding and others will receive more funding. The current funding model is based on data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics based on socio-economic status and student home addresses.  


GSG is a member of the Coalition of Regional Independent Schools Australia Inc (CRISA) who are lobbying the Federal Government to change the policy, so it is fairer for regional schools, their students, and their families. An analysis by CRISA shows the loss of funding for regional boarding schools is a seemingly unintended consequence of the new DMI model.  CRISA is advocating for improved funding for regional schools, like GSG, to minimise the impact on families and regional communities. Please visit the CRISA website for more information

Student Attendance

Semester reports reflect student attendance and, upon reading the Semester One reports, a number of student attendances were below 90%, which is not in keeping with our expectations.   Under the Education Act, family holidays during the school term do not form a reasonable cause for non-attendance and will be recorded as an unapproved absence which does affect the student’s attendance record.  The Heads of Sub School will be writing to parents of those students whose attendance is of concern.  In some cases, an attendance plan will be developed in consultation with parents to improve the student’s attendance.   

Great Southern Griffins Sport Club – Independent Chair

Tom Moir
Tom Moir

In consultation with the School Council, I have great pleasure in announcing Mr Tom Moir as the inaugural Independent Chair for the Great Southern Griffins Sport Club.  Tom has had extensive experience on community boards and organisations with a sound knowledge of governance, processes, and strategic and operational objectives.  Tom has worked as an Independent Board Member for the Centennial Stadium, Executive Officer for the Great Southern Regional Football Development Council, WAFC Representative for the Great Southern Secondary Schools  Sporting Association and the Albany Districts Primary School Sporting Association. Tom also spent six years with the WA Football Commission as Regional Development Manager and, as you can appreciate, is passionate about sport.


Mr Mark Sawle | Principal