Student Wellbeing 

We are off and running for a new school year. Our College theme for the year is Hospitality - Welcoming All, where we welcome all within our community with open hearts and minds.


We had a gentle start with our Year 7s and new students in Years 8 - 11 starting last Thursday 31 January and we thank all of the student volunteers who lived out our 2019 theme of Hospitality. We also thank Homeroom Teachers for the enormous amount of work in creating bright, decorative and inspiring classrooms for our students to begin the 2019 school year.

On Friday 1 Feburary, students participated in a range of wellbeing activities. Our Year 7s and 10s embarked on the Big Sister, Little Sister Journey providing an opportunity for students to be involved in cross year level activities. These interactions strengthen relationships between students and create strong connections.


Our Health and Wellbeing focus for the students as they begin their school year is that they are kind to themselves as they adjust back into a school routine. We encourage all students to keep hydrated in the high temperatures, to be mindful of UV rays while outdoors wearing hats and sunscreen, adjust their bedtime to allow for at least 8-10hrs of sleep and maintain a healthy balanced diet to get through a busy school day. We also challenge everyone to set goals and monitor their screen time. We encourage the use of apps to track progress and success.


We would like to welcome all new and returning students from all other levels:


Year 8: Milla Carter, Mickayla Savage, Jaz Shaffier, Isabella Spano, Sarah Gleeson and Elizabeth Floyd

Year 9: Paige Cater, Lucy Roberts and Mia Ryan

Year 10: Josephine Fisher, Molly Menihane Pegg, Rose Pearce, Katija Sucic, Amy Thiele and Alana Wareham

Year 11: Eden Cater, Lauren Smith, Hannah Stamp and Yin Teo


This year the College will celebrate 115 years of education.  We encourage all students to rise boldly to challenges and opportunities that are presented, to become critical thinkers, to develop a deep passion for learning and to most importantly value oneself.


Looking forward to a wonderful 2019!


Amanda Flynn

Student Wellbeing Years 10 -12

 Suzanne Grima

Student Well-Being Years 7-9