Principal's Report
If no mistake you have made, but losing you are. A different game you should play.
Yoda, Jedi Master 896BBY-4ABY
Welcome to the Week 9 Term Three newsletter.
As I write our Academy II students have entered their last week of formal Secondary education, which I know can be a surreal and bittersweet time for them. There are busy times ahead for them as they complete the other aspects of their Secondary Education journey. This group of young men and women had completed one term of Year 7 when I became the principal at Uralla Central School. Some of them will be completing 13 years of public education at Uralla Central School others slightly less and others have joined us since my arrival. What I can say is that one and all are fine young men and women and collectively they rekindle my hope for the future.
I wish them every success and will speak at greater length at the Farewell Assembly next Wednesday.
Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost, Poet (1874-1963)
What is the end result of education?
For some the answer to that question is quite simple; a qualification/certificate, a job etc. For others it is a bit more nuanced and philosophical, both perspectives are equally valid. From my point of view it is the production of individuals who are capable of thinking deeply about themselves, others and the environment/world that we live in. Individuals who are geared to leave a mark on their world that is positive.
If there is any truth to this ideal than what we are creating is young people who are prepared to question things as they are, to dream visions of a better future, to see injustice and be prepared to right it.
Again if there is any truth to this ideal then it is both reasonable and logical that we will develop young people with opinions about the world in which they live. There will be many of us old enough to remember the phrase 'Children should be seen and not heard'. I'm not a big believer in that adage but rather strongly believe that students need to have opinions that are tested in discussion and debate so that they are seasoned and valid. An opinion is not true and accurate simply because one believes it.
It is not therefore surprising that some of our senior students were keen to be involved in the Climate Action Strike. As educators we can often be conflicted in these circumstances. From a Departmental point of view the school is open and classes are being taught therefore students should be in them. At a personal level I am very proud of all of our students - and in this particular instance I am proud that those students that chose to participate had the courage of their convictions to make a statement. This is not to say that I am any prouder of them than any other student or students who chose not to engage. It is an intensely personal decision but the essence of learning should be about making difficult decisions.
Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.
Robert Kennedy, American politician, 1925-1968
Having just spoken about the climate the next statement might sound incongruous but there you go. I have taken the decision to have the trees in our main quadrangle near the hall/canteen removed during the next vacation. Once that is done we will redesign the area with seating and appropriate shade structures, hopefully for completion before the start of the 2020 school year.
This decision has been taken because of issues with roots (trip hazards) and buildings (cracking). I also suspect that we aren't too far away from storm-water pipe issues as well.
We will identify other areas in the school for more planting to replace the trees removed. At the same time the upgrade to the Junior School quadrangle will also be completed during the next vacation and I am excited to see the new area when we return.
The capacity to learn is a gift;
The ability to learn is a skill;
The willingness to learn is a choice.
Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Author of Dunes
End of term
Best wishes to all for the end of term. Travel safely if doing so. Relax and refresh, cherish your children and we'll see you all again next term, which commences Monday 14 October.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)