Learning and Teaching

Year 5 Update
Year Five have been learning about Sustainability. They have studied light and how it reflects, refracts and is absorbed. They are currently working towards designing and creating their own sustainable light source.
SRC Update
As you might be aware, the SRC leaders are coming to the end of their term. We are about to hand over our responsibilities to new SRC leaders.
So far this year the SRC have had many achievements including:
- Class surveys to find out our classmates’ ideas and opinions and how the SRC can represent the school
- Carried on Nude Food throughout the school
- Made posters to promote Nude Food
- Collected data three times a week
- Carried on with Line Up Legends and monitored this every day
- Written articles for the newsletter
- Spoken in assembly every week
- Introduced the Suggestion Box in the library
- Collated ideas from the Suggestion Box and discussed actions
- Supported the Year Four girls with their student-led Plastic Straw initiative
- Approached Mr Millar with ideas for school improvements
- Became a member of The Victorian SRC (more information to follow next term!)
- Cooperated with students
We are looking for new SRC leaders who are:
- Responsible
- Respectful
- A Team Player
- Committed
- A good leader
- A good timekeeper
- Reliable
-Kind and friendly
This is a semester- based position and SRC leaders cannot have been in the role in the past two years. It will also be chosen on an alternating girl/boy basis. The deadline for the new leader appointments is Friday 21st June which is the end of Week 9 and we look forward to meeting the new team!
English Night
Next Wednesday 19th June from 6-7pm we will be holding an English night in the school hall for parents and children. We have had an overwhelming response via CareMonkey and are looking forward to working with you and your child/ren on the night.