S A K Garden

Liz Scott- Stephanie Alexander Garden Specialist

What’s happening in the ‘Patch’?

Term 4 finds us extremely busy getting ready for the planting of our summer crops.

We had a lovely harvest of cauliflower and broccoli that was used in the kitchen to make cauliflower soup and a broccoli salad.

Currently we are harvesting our beetroot and silver beet/spinach to make room for new seedlings to go in. Kitchen classes are creating some amazing dips with this produce.

We have pulled our compost apart ready to build a wedge system, this will better suit the amount of compost we have at school. In order to do this the children worked hard digging out some flowering clivias to plant by the chicken enclosure.


We have been discussing the use of edible flowers, how we can use them to help with the presentation of a dish or to pop some petals into a salad. We replanted the baskets outside the kitchen with edible flowers.

I picked some nasturtiums for the children to try. We can eat both the flower and leaves from the nasturtium. It has a lovely peppery flavour.


Healthy Habit Tip

Eggs are often referred to as “nature's multivitamin”. All nutrients are contained in the yolk, the white contains only protein.