Assistant Principal
Tracy Skiba
Assistant Principal
A warm welcome back to all our families for the last term of the school year!
At the end of Term 3, I was fortunate to attend the Year 5/6 camps to Sovereign Hill and was very impressed by the enthusiasm and behaviour of our senior students as they explored our past. Our Year 4 students have also braved the cold, wet and woolly weather last week to attend their adventure camp in Phillip Island and the staff also reported the same courteous and considerate behaviour of our soon-to-be senior students.
The same positive behaviours displayed by our senior students (some attending their final camp in primary school) were reflected by our Preps during their Tuesday morning breakfast this week. There was lots of excitement, conversation and jokes being shared with friends as our Prep teachers successfully organised over 100 children to eat breakfast in the school hall. Thank you to all our staff and families who help make these events possible for our students to attend and experience.
2019 NAPLAN Results Update
There have been some pleasing results in Year 3 and 5 against NAPLAN targets in 2019. We have also identifed areas for development and action as we move closer to developing our 2020 targets. As a school, we aimed to increase the number of students achieving in the top two bands of NAPLAN.
The table below is a brief summary of our results against the set targets.
*Please note that these numerical targets have also been set for the next three years.
Topic | Year Level | 2019 School Target | 2019 NAPLAN Result |
Reading | 3 | 77% | 75% |
Reading | 5 | 52% | 42% |
Writing | 3 | 59% | 67% |
Writing | 5 | 41% | 15% |
Numeracy | 3 | 60% | 60% |
Numeracy | 5 | 38% | 37% |
Our spelling, punctuation and grammar results have also been pleasing. 67% of our Year 3 students and 38% of our Year 5 students are in the top two bands for spelling. 73% of our Year 3 students and 39% of our Year 5 students are in the top two bands for grammar and punctuation.
The teaching staff unpacked the results to a deeper extent this week in their Professional Learning Communities and have compared this data to our Years 4-6 Attitudes to School student survey results. This feedback will support leadership to develop a clear vision regarding effective strategies to improve student achievement in the senior years.
Some of the results are now available regarding our Years 3-6 student performance in the recent University of New South Wales ICAS assessments. Once all the results are available, we will present award certificates to students at assembly (date to be confirmed and communicated via Compass) and participation certificates in home rooms.
At this point in time I would like to recognise the following students who excelled in the following assessments:
Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Athharv | Ethan | Mathias | Jeuno |
Patrick | Jessica | Nathan | Luke |
Jiya | Lindsay | Charles | Paxton |
Rivini | Lana | Joshua | Xavier |
Aston | Seth | Brendan | Max |
Edward | James | Raena | Luke |
Sarin |
| Hana |
Boon |
| Nathan |
Louis |