
Lucie Hill
Library Technician
Hello everyone,
It is hard to believe that we are half way through the year already, and off on our end-of-term break again. Not that I’m complaining.
While it has been a very busy Term 2, there is so much more in store for Term 3. We have Book Week in August, which will have many fun activities for everyone to participate in. There will be author visits, incursions, competitions, dress up days, writing activities and much, much more.
The theme for this year’s Book Week, is "Reading is my Secret Power". This is set by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. Come into the library and take a look at the Shortlisted Books that are on display. The 4 categories are Early Childhood, Younger Readers, Picture Books and Information Books. The judging of the winners will take place in August.
In the library there is also a hanging display of the Apollo moon missions. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission, where man first walked on the moon. Please feel free to come read the information and see the pictures with your child.
I have included some lists for you, just for fun. They are lists of the 100 most borrowed books in the following categories, Fiction Books, Picture Books and Non-Fiction Books. I hope you enjoy looking through them.
Have a happy and safe holiday and I look forward to seeing you all for an exciting Term 3.