The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins
Sustainability Team
Bottle Caps
Thank you to everyone who has handed in bottle caps for our special Environment Week project. Please continue to collect them over the holidays. We will need them brought in on Monday, the first day back, so we can use them to create a mural on Tuesday during Environment Week.
Kingswood Environment Week
Hopefully everyone is getting TREEmendously excited for Kingswood's Environment Week. In the first week back of Term 3 we will have a variety of sustainability focused activities, incursions, excursions, challenges and prizes for the students and the wider school community. We will keep most of these a secret until next term but we would like to invite any interested families to attend a 'Night Walk' run by the Friends of Braeside Park group on a night during the week, hosted at Braeside Park. The night is yet to be confirmed and will depend on numbers so if you think this might be something you would be interested in, please email Miss Baxter at with an approximate number of members in your family who would like to attend.
Green Team
With Green Team occurring during Monday lunch times, we were sad to miss out on a few sessions due to the public holiday and the student free day. So, we had a catch up session last Tuesday and were so proud to see so many eager environmental warriors attend. They came to hear the special story 'Grace's Mystery Seed' and then planted their own mystery seeds. If anyone has seeds that are growing, please send through a photo so we can attach it to the next newsletter.
This week, the Environment Leaders taught the Green Team how to make a poster that makes an impact. Check out some of their works in progress. Slogans and design were all student led. We are looking forward to completing these early next term.
Environment Tips from Our Community
Here is an interesting video about bottled water provided by Huyen Trinh (Liam and Jayden's mum)
The story of bottled water
Thank you for this insightful video Huyen! I know we will be thinking twice about buying bottled water from now on. If you have an environmental tip to put in the newsletter, please email
Local Leader Grant
Please vote for Kingswood Primary School!
Once again, we have been selected as a finalist for the Leader Local Grant competition and now we need your help!
This year we have submitted an idea to the Leader Local Grant Competition to build wicking beds for our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden.
Please go to the website and vote for our idea. You will need to create an account to vote, each account holder has 10 votes to use. We encourage you to please give all 10 votes to Kingswood. The idea with the most votes will win a grant to make their idea a reality. Our local paper is the Moorabbin/Kingston Leader.
If possible, please share this link with your family and friends so we can reach as many voters as possible.
Thank you for your support!
Sustainability in the World
Railway sleepers made from recycled plastic could one day be rolled out across Victoria after installation of the first trial sleepers at Richmond Station over the weekend. For every kilometre of track laid using the new sleepers, 64 tonnes of plastic waste that cannot otherwise be recycled is diverted from landfill. The ground-breaking product is the result of four years of research and product development by Monash University and Mildura-based Integrated Recycling, with funding provided by Sustainability Victoria throughout. While traditional timber sleepers last between 5 to 15 years, the recycled version has a lifespan of up to 50 years. The performance of the trial sleepers will be monitored by Metro Trains Melbourne over the next 18 months as part of their rail testing regime. Read more about the environmental benefits and research behind the trial on the Sustainability Victoria website at:
Sustainability Feedback
Please follow the link and leave your feedback, thoughts or ideas. We would love to hear from you.