Director of Missions

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

-Anne Frank

Christmas Hampers

2019 has come to an end and once again it has been in style at Marian Catholic College. Our mission, as a Catholic education institution, is to strive to give individuals the power and ability to “transform and enrich the community around them”. Each term holds a school initiative that spreads this core value and none greater than our end of year Christmas Hamper Collection.

This is where we ask each member of the Marian community, staff and students, to bring in an item that contributes to creating a much needed hamper or package of kindness to local families in need. The hampers are identical and they are organised by the outstanding 2019 Community Action Team led by Amanda Harrison and Sue Hone. The C.A.T team distributes the lists and baskets to homerooms who then collect the items ready for the end of year mass. This year MCC managed to provide over 36 hampers and boxes of assorted gifts and extras. The hampers contain items such as tinsel, ham, biscuits, Christmas pudding, condensed milk and lollies.

There is no greater moment in the school year than watching the plethora of gifts marched down the aisle in the middle of our end of year mass. They are then presented to the St Vincent De Paul representatives in front of the whole school. It is right then that you see how much each student cares as each year the initiative continues to grow through the generosity of our community. You also get to see the smiles of the faces of the students who are selected to carry the hampers for the presentation. It is a genuine expression of pride in what they have achieved and what is still to come.

Students spend hours preparing and organising the hampers and it is nothing short of impressive in how they complete the challenge of it all led by the amazing Sue Hone. There is still plenty of work to do around raising the awareness of poverty in our own community. It is important that students continue to realise that such a small action of donating a simple item, when multiplied, changes lives. Thank you to all who contributed and I hope your generosity of time, effort or gift is repaid in knowing that you have ensured someones Christmas is a time of joy and not sadness. Merry Christmas and please continue to enrich and transform our community for the better.

Council Consultation

Last week Sue Hone was contacted by Griffith City Council to see if we had students from various cultural and religious backgrounds who would be happy to meet with consultants from Sydney to discuss the needs and requirements for a new multi-denominational cemetery that is to be built near the airport on Rifle Range Road.


In particular, they were looking for students from families from the Pacific Islands, Hindu, Islamic or Budhist backgrounds who would be interested in meeting with consultants as a group.

Haris Qamar, Piriyarathan Karunapalan, Darian Le Cornu, Nayani Navaneethan, Aribo Kaibwa, Karanbir Sidhu, Dharmik Mangrolia and  Harmeet Singh supported by Karen-Anne Surian (counsellor), Sue Hone and myself held an informal discussion for around 45 minutes regarding what would be required or culturally appropriate in the construction of the new amenities. To accommodate the anticipated population growth of Griffith city and surrounds it is necessary to plan ahead and ensure that infrastructure and amenities are available to meet the needs. It is part of the vision for Griffith to accommodate the needs of our multicultural community and it was explained to the students that the consultation phase is extremely important if the project is going to meet all of the religious, cultural and practical needs of our community. 


It was a wonderful opportunity and the students spoke with knowledge and confidence when it came to planning a better future for themselves.

Thank you!

I would just like to take this moment to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays. Thank you to you all for all of your support and assistance in 2019. It has been a fantastic year filled with faith, culture, service and learning. I can’t wait for next year and I hope we can achieve just as much together once again.


Remember feedback is always welcome so get in touch if you have any questions, queries or suggestions around how we can continue to enhance your Marian through Mission.


Merry Christmas and have a great new year.

Heath Neville

Director of Mission