Child Studies News

Yr 9 Child Studies

In the last couple of weeks of Child Studies, students have been participating in a variety of activities related to the creation and care of their own “egg baby”,

 including producing a home/nursery for their baby. The students enjoyed being creative in designing and creating their nurseries, they then had to carry the box around for 2 days and 1 night in their role as a parent.


Year 10 Child Studies

This term, Yr 10 students have being studying Children and Nutrition. As part of this module they completed tasks related children’s parties and had to create food that would be appropriate at parties. They also taste tested 21 different baby products and had to guess what they were sampling. During the term they were also completing string art, where they had to design and then complete. I would to take this opportunity in wishing my Yr 10 girls as the best in their future endeavours, it was a pleasure teaching you over the past 2 yrs.

Renae Savage

Child Studies