Alliance Francaise Immersion Days

Alliance Francaise Immersion Days for Year 10 and VCE students
This year, following the rationale behind gaps in learning and valuing students’ commitment and motivation with their languages studies, the DET offered a $235 subsidy per student for those studying at a government school to attend the Immersion Days organised by the Alliance Francaise de Melbourne.
The Year 10 Immersion Day, which focused on grammar and listening skills, took place on Sunday 20 March. The Year 11 Immersion Day related to oral communication and listening skills and this one was on Sunday 27 March. The Year 12 Immersion Day concentrated on the final VCE French Exam (both oral and written components) and took place last weekend, on Sunday 3 April.
I encouraged all Mordialloc College's French students in Year 10, 11 and 12 classes to submit an application. All those who did were successful in obtaining the full subsidy and well done to them for their commitment to their language studies.
The following students attended Immersion Day:
Year 10
Charlotte Zaph
Year 11
Reema Ababneh, Taya Abeykoon, Ulyana Biaroza and Jessica Brennan
Katherine Papadopoulos, Imogen Platt and Tenillia Tong
Year 12
Ifthikhar Ali, Rhianne Blavo and Lily Mackay
Monty Millwood and Timothy Whitford
Below are what some students said about their experience of the day:
Could you imagine going to “school” on a Sunday? Well, that is what the Year 12 French students have just done by going to a day of French classes held by Alliance Francaise called “VCE Immersion Day: Introduction to the VCE Exam”.
The aim of the day was to help prepare Year 12 French students for their upcoming exams, and included a variety of activities mirroring the different aspects of the French exams. The teachers also shared their tips and tricks to help students in the exams, but also for learning a language in general. However, I had already heard a lot of the advice shared with us on this day in my regular French classes, which demonstrates the calibre of French teachers at Mordialloc College.
Overall, it was an enjoyable and challenging day that both revealed that there is a lot of hard work to be done between now and the exams, and reinforced the fact that I am in very capable hands to do this.
Timothy Whitford (Year 12 Student)
On the weekend we had the opportunity to go to the Alliance Française Immersion Day, held at the State Library in the city. The workshop was interesting and everyone there was so friendly. I found it to be quite helpful as we practised asking questions, reading, listening, writing, and speaking - we even did a debate and a class presentation in french.
Imogen Platt (Year 11 Student)
On Sunday March 27, most students from our Year 11 French class had the privilege of going to the Year 11 Immersion Day held by Alliance Francaise de Melbourne. We had an amazing time socialising with other like-minded French students and made connections across metropolitan Melbourne, broadening our knowledge of how people learn French. The day included both conversation and listening practice that was greatly beneficial for more informal and everyday French conversations.
Overall, we had a great time and are looking forward to future immersion days. Thank you Madame Peerbux for all the hard work that went into organising this opportunity from your Year 11 French Class.
Reema Ababneh (Year 11 Student)