

Students have been working on building trust and establishing a strong theatre ensemble. They have also spent time developing their improvisation skills and developing their understanding of the Elements of Drama. They will soon share their own planned drama activity with the class and will lead this as a form of experiential learning. Students will then critically reflect on what worked well and aspects of their activity that could be developed further.


YEAR 10 

Students have spent the majority of the term looking at the theatrical tradition of Commedia dell’Arte. There has been a strong focus on developing characters through physicality, and performing stock characters as a class. Students then went on to research a character mask of their choice and share their finding for assessment. Additionally, each student performed in two comedy skits as their chosen stock character; allowing them to put their research into practice.



Students worked through the fundamentals of acting in order to prepare for their individual performances. They worked through a process of textual analysis and practical exercises in order to develop their characterisation. Students were assessed on their monologue performance as well as their research and preparation. The class has just commenced work on their theatre design work for the play Girls Like That; the play will be performed at the end of Term 2.



Students have been continuing to develop their Individual Projects for their HSC Assessment. They have also furthered their study of the set texts in order to prepare for the written examinations. Students have enjoyed workshopping aspects of the different plays, in order to develop their understanding of the dramatic conventions and the issues the plays’ address.   


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Ms Genelle Keough | CALOTE KLA Leader