
Character Strength

“I approach life playfully, making others laugh, and finding humour in difficult and stressful situations”

-VIA Institute on Character

I am constantly reminded of the importance of humour in approaching uncomfortable situations. This strength will continue to be essential for kids to succeed. When students participate in Play is the Way games, we highlight the times when they laugh together after making mistakes and talk about how this is a self-soothing strategy for when they are trying something new.


 As adults, you are constantly modelling how you approach uncomfortable situations and it can be really helpful to point out to your kids when you are using self-soothing techniques that work for you because they might work for them too!


We played ‘Around the Square’- an intentionally difficult game where the kids have to pass a ball in a very specific pattern in a group. Interestingly, the most successful groups were not the ones with the strongest ball skills (although this obviously played a role). The teams that were most successful were able to laugh together to cope with the complexity of the game and it gave a sense of reassurance to those that had made a mistake.

Laughter also helped the kids ‘keep in perspective’ the importance of the situation- a nice reminder that it is just a game and not to be taken too seriously.


I asked some of our greatest humour experts about their thoughts on HUMOUR:


I remember one time in lockdown when there was the 5km rule and I went down to the cricket nets. I got hit in the thigh and my Dad and I responded with “It’s not as bad as COVID.” - Lucas 6B

Everybody has probably used humour to connect with someone when they aren’t a person you would normally work with - Alina 5L

If you are joining a new team for a new sport, it can help you introduce yourself to make new friends - Lily 5L

One of my friends came over to my house once and we went outside to the treehouse. I wanted my friend to go first up the treehouse because I’m scared of spiders, but when she went up the ladder she fell through the floor. We laughed to stop it from hurting so badly. - Georgie 6B

It can help when someone is upset and you’re not sure what to say to help them, helping them laugh can make them feel better - Lily 5L

To make people laugh! And to make them happy! - Sam 5L 

I use humour to change the mood in a classroom- when things are feeling a bit ‘erh’ it can raise people’s spirits and make people happier at that moment. It can change someone’s day! - Miss Lloyd 5L

I got headbutted by a goat once. - Mr Barnden 6B

Thanks 6B & 5L for taking the time to share your thoughts on humour!



Have a great week 

The Wellbeing Team