Digital Learning

Mrs Arnott

Having the hard conversations

Many of us have situations as parents which we are not prepared for, dealing with keeping our children safe online can be one of those. Here is an article with some pertinent advice from our eSafety Commissioner.


Talking with your child about tricky personal subjects.

Perhaps your child has been bullied online, sent or received an intimate image, or come across pornography online. Conversations about experiences like these can be difficult.  

When you talk to your child about personal subjects, you are trying to balance a number of different things: 

  • respecting your child’s privacy while still making sure they are safe and happy 
  • giving them space to test their own problem-solving skills online but supporting them as they make their own way 
  • educating them about people’s different personalities but knowing you can’t make their choices for them 
  • establishing boundaries while being understanding and open