Year 9/10

It has been a busy few weeks for the Year 9 students with the school hosting our Athletics Day, our Tyson Day incursion, Morrisby Testing and excursions for our Sports Pathway and STEM programs.
Athletics Day was a great day for the college and it was fantastic to see so many of our Year 9 students attending and participating in a range of events.
In Pathways2Success, students have been continuing on with their career investigation. They completed their Morrisby Testing personality and aptitude testing last week in preparation for their upcoming interviews. This week they have been working hard to complete their resume and cover letter Hurdle Task. During classes, they have been learning how to write an effective resume and cover letter for a job of their choice. In our upcoming Mock Interviews, students will present their resume and cover letter to an ‘employer’ and undertake a job interview.
As part of our Pathways2Success curriculum, the students attended a presentation from Tyson Day, co-founder of Arrive & Thrive which helps educate students about setting career goals and exploring potential pathways for the future. Our students were really engaged with the session and took these ideas into their P2S classes for further discussion.