


Prep students participated in different reading opportunities this term. They were guided through high quality picture story books by their teacher while learning about the reading strategies of activating prior knowledge, predicting and sequencing events from a story. They also explored big books through shared reading where they practised different reading behaviours such as pointing under words, identifying repetition and listening for syllables, rhymes and letter sounds. Letter identification and high-frequency words were also explored during these shared experiences. Students were able to choose their own reading material for independent reading time by previewing class texts and selecting ones they were interested in.


Speaking & Listening and Writing

Prep students were introduced to blending and segmenting CVC words through the ‘Sounds Write’ program. As they build on their knowledge of letter sounds and are introduced to more, they will build their skills for breaking 3 letter words into their sounds and matching the letters to write them. Students practised their speaking and listening skills through language experience stations; using play based materials to demonstrate real world interactions. Students then used our writing process of ‘Think, Talk, Sketch, Label, Write, Share’ to retell their experiences. They thoroughly enjoy interacting with their peers through these experiences and sharing their ideas.



In Numeracy, prep students have engaged in the 100 days of school routine. Including keeping track of each school day until students have been at school for 100 days. Some ways of tracking the days include, using a 100 chart, counting icy pole sticks, marking a blank 100s frame, marking a calendar and counting unifix blocks.

Students have explored the range of materials in the classroom for use during maths lessons. 


They practised using each material for its purpose. Students explored the different ways objects can be sorted then made and continued patterns using different materials, actions and sounds. 


They then looked at the different shapes in the environment (triangles, circles, rectangles, squares, cubes and spheres) and discussed their features. Students have also been practising their counting skills through various tasks and using different strategies to help them keep track of their total. Some counting strategies include: counting out loud, point and count, move and count, line up and count. 



We have had an amazing start to Inquiry in Prep! The students began the year with some settling in and getting to know you activities. We then moved on to our ‘Learning to learn’ unit. Within this unit we explored what positive relationships look like and how we can develop and maintain positive relationships. 

We discussed and recorded what positive relationships look and feel like. The students discovered the power of their minds and how changing terminology when attempting tricky work can develop a growth mindset. Within our growth mindset development, the students learned that it’s okay to make mistakes and how we can learn from them. The students were able to highlight some of their personal strengths and set goals for their next steps to success.

In the second half of the Term, the students explored and discussed personal hygiene and healthy eating. We researched and looked at the effects certain foods have on our bodies. We ended the Term by learning about UV rays and how to be SunSmart.

The students have worked so hard this Term in Inquiry and have demonstrated so much resilience when attempting tricky tasks! Well done, Preps! 



During Term 1 in Music, Grade Preps learned about the routines and expectations in our classroom environment. This included using instruments safely and showing positive behaviours. 


The topic for this term was Sound. Students explored making sounds with their voices and percussion instruments. Grade Preps also learned about tempo (fast and slow) and dynamics (loud and soft) and practised this with their voices and percussion instruments. 


Students will continue to learn about pitch and understand when sound goes high and low. Grade Preps will explore and demonstrate pitch with their voices and on melodic instruments. Grade Preps were exposed to many songs including nursery rhymes to support their knowledge of sound. Well done on a great start to the year in Term 1 Grade Preps! 



Throughout Term 1 the Preps have been introduced to the Biological Science strand of Science through learning about living and non-living things. Through scavenger hunts, cut and paste activities, songs and stories, students have been learning how to identify living and non-living things; along with what living things need to survive.  

With a focus on what plants need to survive, the Preps are currently carrying out an exciting investigation by growing their own seeds by providing them with water, air and sunlight. The Preps will be practicing their observation and recording skills whilst we watch the seeds grow bigger! 

Our Biological Science strand will continue into the start of Term 2 where students will be learning all about the five senses through various activities, including nature walks. Well done on a wonderful first term in Science Grade Preps!





During Term 1 in Art, the Preps have learnt safe and correct ways to use various drawing materials, scissors and glue. Each student illustrated an accordion book with pictures about something that is important to them. 


The students showed lots of imagination in creating collages inspired by Henri Matisse’s artwork, ‘The Snail’, as well as, in decorating paper plate hats, inspired by South African artist Zanele Muholi. We explored how and why artists might incorporate colour in art, layering coloured cellophane to create our own versions of stained glass windows and making exuberant paintings. 


The Preps showed great enthusiasm and care in mixing primary colours to make secondary colours, with paintbrushes and different types of sponges. Another fun activity involved acting out artworks, my favourite student impersonations being that of the Mona Lisa! Well done on an excellent start to Art Preps!









LOTE (Chinese)

Well done everyone for a fantastic term! In term 1, the Preps started with greetings, which include Hello, Goodbye, Thank You and You Are Welcome. Meanwhile, we learnt how to ask and answer others’ in Chinese. 


Then we also learnt how to pronounce and write numbers from 1 to 10 in Chinese. After this we learnt how to pronounce the days of the week in Chinese. During learning, we have also focused on identifying the difference between Chinese and English, geographically and linguistically. In the next term, there will be Chinese culture combined into learning. 


The photos shown are Preps using Play Dough to learn how to write Chinese numbers, and how to make a caterpillar by cutting and gluing to learn the days of the week.