Election Day (21st May) Fundraising Volunteers

Dear Parents,


On Saturday the 21st May it is Election Day - you can vote here at Sunshine Heights PS!

We're hosting a sausage sizzle (democracy sausages) fundraiser and other stalls on Saturday May 21st and need some volunteers. The contributions and money will be there to help Sunshine Heights Primary School raise some much-needed funds to give our kids greater opportunities and fun times. We will need to have four to six people on at any time between 7am - 7pm. Tap on this form to offer an hour or more of your time. See you there!




As well as our Fundraising Committee will be getting their democracy sausages ready, there will be a cake stall, coffee (served by our Baristas) and a garden stall to raise money for the Nugal-nganjin garden. 


The voting goes from 8am to 6pm. 


"How can I help?" I hear you cry...?


You could: 

  • volunteer an hour or two to work on the BBQ or the garden stall between 9am and 6pm - its great fun and you get a free coffee! Please use the link above for the google form to sign up.
  • bakes some cakes and drop them off on either Friday afternoon (20th May) or on the morning of the election (21st May), making sure you provide a list of ingredients for the cake - please add your details to the google form through the button below:
  • help chop onions on the Friday afternoon
  • help with a Bain Marie - we are looking for one to keep the sausages warm on the day
  • help supervise the Baristas - great if you have any cafe experience or just want to learn

To find out more please chat to any one of the fundraising committee (Lainey Kwok, Jess Brown, Nat) or pop into the office and give us your details for the sign up sheet. 


Lainey Kwok



