David's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to Term 2, which is going to be a bit shorter than term 1 but hopefully just as much fun! We've already crammed in 5/6 Camp, a Mother's Day breakfast and special virtual assembly, as well as getting focused on our learning and restocking our classroom libraries with 'wish list' books from the students and teachers. We have also said a fond farewell to Khalad Karim; he was successfully appointed to the role of Learning Specialist at a primary school in Roxburgh Park. We will miss him lots but are really excited about his new adventure. His replacement is Thomas Turnbull, who will join us from Deer Park North in the next few weeks. Please give him a warm Sunny Heights welcome when you see him in the school yard!


Parent report questions have already gone home, and we will be pleased to share our thoughts on your children's progress, achievement, social emotional growth and strengths. Parent teacher interviews will take place in early term 3 due to the shortness of the term. 


There are some other exciting events coming up this term; Twilight school will make a return now that restrictions have been relaxed, ensuring that parents can once again visit their child's classroom whilst the learning is taking place. This means on Thursday 2nd June, the school day will begin at 1pm and go through until 7pm. Parents are welcome to join us at any time throughout the day, and hopefully the weather is clear so we can look for some stars from the oval after sunset. 


Finally, our enrolments are open for next year's 2023 preps. We have already had significant interest from some families outside our zone, so if you have a sibling at home who is due to start next year please speak with Vicky in the office so we can guarantee them a place for 2023. 


Remember to check out the other pages, particularly if you are able to volunteer for the Election Day fundraising or would like to learn more about the amazing parenting workshops coming up.


Best wishes,


David and the Sunny Heights Team!