Teaching and Learning

Mathematics - Jill Marr



Prompt parents to talk to their children about Maths. 


Modern-day Maths instruction currently prioritises conceptual understanding of Maths, rather than just grinding through worksheets of equations.  If parents don’t understand the Maths themselves, why not ask your child to explain it to you. Role-playing the parent as the learner is a good idea for Prep - 2 students. In Grade 3 - 6 we would encourage parents to ask about their childs' Maths at school and the student explaining the concept, process or strategy. 


Playing board games is always a fun way to engage with Maths with your children especially in Prep - Grade 2.


Grade 3 - 6 can assess My Numeracy and Sunset Maths at home. My Numeracy is personalised to each student and covered concepts taught in class. Sunset Maths, will support students recall of number facts. Sunset Maths is levelled, so the questions will start easy and become more challenging through the levels.

Playing games against a parent is always fun for children, or developing a 'personal best' system. Who doesn't love a game of UNO?! but who is keeping the score?


Always make Maths fun, relate Maths to real life and build student confidence by being positive and encouraging.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

I'm happy to support student learning of Mathematics at school and at home.
