Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance
If you are struggling to meet the costs of school uniforms, shoes and school fees for your children, you may be eligible to receive these free or at a discount through State Schools’ Relief.
Families with children in government schools in any year level can receive help if they are facing one or more of the following:
- Health issues resulting in serious financial difficulty
- House fires where school clothing is lost
- Natural disasters
- Serious financial difficulty
Please telephone the office to make an appointment (confidential) with Kylie, our Business Manager, who will discuss with you the possibility of this additional support.
What is Centrepay?
Centrepay is a voluntary bill-paying service which is free for Centrelink customers. Use Centrepay to arrange regular deductions from your Centrelink payment.
You can start or change a deduction at any time. The quickest way to do it is through your Centrelink account online. You can use Centrepay to pay bills and ongoing expenses like accommodation, education and employment, health, financial products, legal and professional services, utilities, travel and transport, as well as other household costs.
Other ways to start deductions:
A Customer can set up a Deduction in a number of ways:
• via their Centrelink online account via MyGov
• using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app
• by contacting the Department, or
• by providing a Deduction Authority to a Centrepay approved Business (Armstrong Creek School) to manage their Deductions via Centrelink Business Online Services (CBOS).
The minimum Deduction amount for Centrepay is $10.
Go to for more information.
Please contact the school for our Centrelink Reference Number if you wish to sign up to Centrepay or to complete a Deduction Authority.
Family Split Billing Arrangements
All parents of students at Armstrong Creek School are liable for the payment of their child’s essential education item charges.
Any agreement / arrangement between parents of students at Armstrong Creek School regarding the liability for payments is separate from the school and the school has no role in facilitating such agreements / arrangements. It is not for the Armstrong Creek School to become involved in the allocation of financial responsibility between parents.
The primary parent will be invoiced and it is the responsibility of both parents to come to an arrangement to settle their child’s account.