Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Welcome to Term 3!
Welcome back! After what I hope was enjoyable and fun filled school holiday period, it was great to have everyone back on Monday and I can see already that students and staff are right back in the swing of things.
SRC Pyjama Day
On the last day of Term 2, our SRC hosted a Pyjama Day to help raise much needed funds for Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS).
All of your contributions totaled an amazing $614.90 that will be used to help fund microchipping, vaccinations, foster care & rehabilitation of animals in need in Geelong.
Check out some of the photos below of us all in our warm & comfy clothes!
It's certainly been a very exciting week with the opening of our canteen this week.
The canteen will be open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays for morning snacks and lunch. All orders need to be completed online before 9am. Ordering is easy using QuickCliQ and you can place order up to 30 days in advance. Students are also able to purchase snacks at recess over the counter using cash. How organised is that!
Here is a breakdown of how the canteen will typically operate:
- 10:55 to 11:25 - over the counter cash sales e.g. icy poles, fruit, muffins, biscuits etc.
- 11:25 - students collect QuickCliQ snack orders and eat in the classroom.
- 1:55 - QuickCliQ lunch orders are collected and distributed to eat in the classroom.
The online menu is up and ready for Armstrong Creek School and you can access the link here:
Year 5 & 6 Camp
Wishing our Year 5 and 6 students and staff all the best as they head on camp Monday to Wednesday next week.
Camp is such an exciting and rewarding part of a students school experience, with the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time together and strengthen relationships whilst participating in fun , adventure based activities.
Students and staff will be jumping on a bus Monday morning and heading to Camp Dewar, which is near Bacchus Marsh. I look forward to joining the crew on Tuesday afternoon and evening and seeing and hearing about all the great times had.
Student Support Group (SSG) Meetings
Student Support Group (SSG) Meetings are now open for bookings for those students and families that required to have these in accordance with DET policy.
The meetings will take place in Week 3 (and Week 4 for Secondary students) and if you have any difficulties making a booking, please contact your child's home group teacher.
Parent/Teacher Meetings will take place in Week 7 for all students not requiring an SSG (more details at a later time).
School Photos
We have been advised by MSP Photography that all ordered photo packs will be delivered to school by the end of week 4. As soon as they arrive, they will be sent home with students.
COVID Safe Measures
As we are hearing in the media a lot at the moment, COVID is certainly still around and on the rise across our country. Whilst not much has changed recently with regards to restrictions and guidance, we are being encouraged to wear masks more often and particularly when indoors and gathering in groups.
Whilst there is no requirement for any member of our school community to be wearing a mask when attending the school, students, families and staff are encouraged to consider wearing a mask in particular settings.
I appreciate the continued support of families in keeping students home if they are at all symptomatic, even if they test negative on a RAT. Common colds and flu are also at extremely high levels at the moment and we need to support each other in minimising the spread of these.
Take care and enjoy!
Evan Savage