Cyber Safety at COHR 

Books we have at COHR.

Cyber Safety

We continue to learn and explore how we can be safe, positive and responsible online users.  This term our 3 - 6 students have explored the term - "Green Time vs Screen Time!"


We have included some posters that Marty from Inform & Empower has provided for families to further discuss or take some action.








Our 5\6 students created some posters promoting reasons for 'Screen Time vs Green Time', that are on display in our library.

5\6 posters on display
5\6 posters on display
Screen Time vs Green Time
Screen Time vs Green Time
Screen Time vs Green Time
Screen Time vs Green Time

ROBLOX - Some important information for parents that Marty & Carly have updated us with, after schools contacting them for assistance!  Apparently they get a school a week contacting them for help!

Inappropriate content on Roblox.

The message is two-fold:

  1. Enable the "restricted mode" setting.  This is the ONLY way Roblox should be used by primary school aged students.  It requires a parent to go into the settings and turn it on and then lock it with a PIN number.  See the images above for the main difference.  Here are the step by step instructions (takes 5 minutes):


 2.     No setting or restriction is ever foolproof, including the aforementioned Roblox restricted mode. Therefore, it is crucial that parent/carers are opening up and continuing lots of conversations about the digital world.  Topics that are a must include:

*risks exist online from 'unsafe' people, not everyone can be trusted, people can and will pretend to be someone else to try and trick you.

*what to do if they come across inappropriate content (tell a trusted adult, block, report)

*that you as a parent/carer will be able to help them sort any problem big or small

*that you as a parent will NOT ban them from their device if they come to you with an online issue (because that's exactly why they won't come to you!)

*that you as a parent/carer will love them no matter what has happened or poor choice has been made.  We all make mistakes and, in fact, we expect you to make mistakes

*chat positively about their games/apps... ask them questions.... have a go at co-playing.... build that relationship.


Regards Marty & Carly


If at anytime you need clarification, suggestions or just to chat and ask any question, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Karen Wakeling