From the Principal's Desk

Thank You!

I wish to thank every one for your patience and understanding over the last week as we navigate temporarily moving our school to the Uralla Central School location. This has been a massive task for our staff and students and I thank each and every one of them for making our school days as normal as possible. Thanks also to our P&C, your support has been amazing.  I also sincerely thank the staff at Uralla Central School for their help in making us all feel so welcome.


As per the communication this week from the Department's Asset Management Unit, work is currently under way at our school. If I receive any further information throughout the holidays, I will pass this on through the skoolbag app.


Please see below information provided to families this week:

I would also like to thank Dale Goodwin from Dales Downtown Meats for donating all of the sausages to the school this week for our lunch on Wednesday at Kentucky. As a thank you for hosting us for the day, I offered to provide a sausage sizzle for lunch for all of the students and staff from the school. Thanks for your kind gesture Dale!

Reminder - No School Development Day

Just a reminder to all families that our school is joining with many other public and high schools in not holding a school development day on the first day back next term. Students and staff commence school on Monday 18th July.


Movie/Pyjama/Mufti Day on Friday

As planned, we will hold our SRC movie/pyjama/mufti day on Friday. Students are able to wear their pyjamas or mufti to school. We will be holding a movie day from after recess onwards on one of our classrooms here at Uralla Central School.  The P&C are kindly providing a free hot dog lunch on the day as well.  This event was planned by the Student Representative Council (SRC) a few weeks ago.  There is no cost for the day and we won't be selling cakes and slices now due to the change in our location.

Zoom Assembly on Friday

As we were unable to hold our end of term assembly last week, we will hold a short assembly this Friday morning via a Zoom link.  The assembly will provide us an opportunity to present class and silver awards.  Please use the link below to join the Zoom assembly:

Meeting ID:  265 678 6702

Password: 251202

Inquiring Minds Program and Camp

Congratulations to our senior students Penny, Charlotte, Ben, Ned and Edith on being selected to participate in the Inquiring Minds program offered through Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre. This is a program designed to offer students in rural schools an opportunity to engage with a mentor teacher and other like minded students on their chosen topic. Students were offered an opportunity to attend a camp this week and they will begin working on a project to be completed by the end of Term 3.  Congratulations to all of our students involved!

Athletics Success

A huge congratulations to our students for their success at last week's athletics carnival. What a great result we achieved being the overall winner based on student enrolment numbers. Special congratulations also to our age champions and runner ups. Awesome work everyone! 

Semester One Reports

Semester one student reports were distributed with students on Monday afternoon in a sealed envelope along with their work sample folders. Please return the work sample folders after the school holidays so we can add more work samples in semester two. If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's report, or learning with their teacher, please contact us at the school after the holidays to make an appointment.

Happy Holidays

Can I once again thank you for your support this term. We have had a very busy term with much success. Thanks again for your patience as we finish the term at our alternate location. I look forward to another great term at Rocky River in Term 3.  See you all on Monday 18th July!



Brad Hunt
