Principal's Report

REMINDER: Professional Practice Day Monday 20th June - STUDENT FREE DAY


This Monday 20th June, all staff at Orchard Park Primary School will be involved in their termly Professional Practice Day. Professional Practice Days (PPDs) are a day where teachers are released from their teaching duties to further develop and strengthen their teaching knowledge and practice. Usually these days are spread across the term and teachers are covered by relief teachers to be released. Given the current challenges schools are facing around sourcing relief teachers, the department have approved schools taking their PPD collectively as a whole school and making it a student free day. As such, no students will be required at school on this day. Our teachers will be using this day to further explore effective implementation of phonics, spelling and grammar within their literacy block. Full day care arrangements will be available through Theircare for families who require this service. 


Parent Association - First Meeting


Are you interested in becoming a part of our very first Parent Association at Orchard Park Primary School? We are very excited to have highly motivated and committed parents who are ready to begin this venture in support of our school and would love to welcome all parents or guardians who would like to join them. Please fill out your details in the link below (even if you can't make the first meeting). This is a wonderful opportunity for our parents to become actively involved in supporting our school with upcoming events and fundraising. We hope to see many of you there on Tuesday 21st June at 8:45am.


Student Achievement Reports


Teachers have been incredibly busy behind the scenes over the past few weeks writing Student Achievement Reports for each student. These reports are compiled at the end of each semester and provide families with a clear summary of how your child's academic and social development is progressing. The Achievement Reports will go live on Compass on Friday 24th June at 2:15pm. Families will be able to access, read through and celebrate their child's achievements from this point onwards. 


If you have any queries regarding your child's report, please reach out to their teacher and organise a time early in Term Three to discuss these. Please understand though, that our teachers will not be available for clarification over the holiday period. 


End of Term Early Finish


Just a reminder that as always, our last school day of term is an early finish. School will finish at 2:00pm on Friday 24th June. We then return from holidays on Monday 11th July. 


End of Term Reflections


Once again there is so much to celebrate as Term 2 draws to a conclusion. As you can see from Alana's Assistant Principal Report, there have been so many positive experiences that our students and wider school community have been a part of recently. It has been a massive semester for our students and staff and I am so grateful for their commitment and persistence to achieve the best outcomes for every student here at Orchard Park Primary School. We look forward to continuing to build upon this in the future. I wish all of our students and their families a safe and restful holiday break. I look forward to seeing all back for another exciting term of learning.