College Events & News

Code Camp
These school holidays Loreto College is pleased to be hosting Code Camp, the holiday program where kids design, code, problem solve and become storytellers and creators of technology, by creating games, websites, music and videos or flying drones.
Book now via
Camp Australia Vacation Care
We are excited to announce that bookings are open to enrol your child in Rocketeers Vacation Care Program starting from Monday 04-July-2022.
Here at Camp Australia, we motivate children to play, connect, learn and grow through engaging experiences. We encourage healthy eating at OSHC.
We also practice emergency evacuation drill and lockdown to ensure the safety of children at OSHC. By practicing these drills children become more aware about their roles and responsibilities in an emergency situation avoiding any type of injuries or accidents.
The service operating hours are:
Before School Care: 7:00 am to 8:15 am
After School Care: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Rocketeers Vacation Care: 7:30 am to 6:00 pm
OSHC contact number: 0429 840 240
Thank you and we are looking forward to a fun packed Rocketeer.
Visit too book.
Nominations for the Loreto P&F Committee, Volunteer Pool and Year Level Representatives
We have many great opportunities for Parents and Caregivers to become involved in our College Community. We are currently seeking nominations for the following roles:
Year Level Representatives R-12
The Year level/Class representatives act as the primary liaison between Class and year level Parents and the P&F Committee. These roles play a crucial part in maintaining and developing our Community spirit as they:
Parents & Friends Committee
The Parents and Friends of Loreto is a Parent group whose purpose is to promote and encourage Community Spirit within the College.
Parents and Friends Volunteer Pool
The Volunteer Pool works closely with the P&F Committee to assist with the various events and fundraising activities conducted throughout the year. This provides an opportunity for Parents and Carers to contribute as their schedule or time permits.
To register your interest in any of the above, please click here and complete the form.
We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful College Community,
Charmaine Binns and Tanya Smith
Co P&F Presidents
Loreto springArt Save the Date
The Show Returns
Loreto springArt
9 - 11 September 2022
More details to follow!
Second Hand Uniform Shop Opening Hours
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop will be open every Friday from 2pm – 4pm and is by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is located on the Junior School Campus, in the Year 6 area. Please sign in to Junior School Reception upon your arrival.
Please contact for all second-hand uniform enquiries or phone the Junior School Reception for bookings on 08 8334 4240.
Annual Giving
It is through the generous donations of our extended community that we provide our students with every opportunity for success to become strong, passionate, and confident girls and young women, today, tomorrow and into the future.
The ongoing development of Loreto’s facilities and educational and co-curricular programs has been strongly supported by annual giving and community fundraising.
There are many ways to give to Loreto Marryatville. Gifts of any size are valued and have lasting benefits. We ask that you share our vision of ensuring Loreto College is a school that defines itself by best practice and is a school of choice and excellence both now and into the future by giving to our 2022 Annual Giving Appeal.
Should you wish to donate, click here.
If you would like to donate on an ongoing basis, please contact the Finance Team on 08 8334 4200 to set up a direct debit.
How much can I give?
All donations are tax deductible and do not have to be a large amount.
How will my gift be spent?
Your gift will be spent on the area that you choose. The Loreto College Foundation’s tax-deductible funds are:
1 Building Fund – Stage 2 Solar Panels
With a commitment to achieving our sustainability goal of Net Zero by 2030 at Loreto, we are about to embark on Stage 2 of our Solar PV panels implementation. In winter 2021 the 182kwP system for Stage 1 was commissioned and to date has generated enough solar energy to enable a 35% reduction in grid electricity consumption on campus. Stage 2 is more ambitious and aims to take us to a 60% reduction by 2023. At just $300 for a panel, this is a great opportunity to play a small part in our net zero target.
2 Building Fund – Mary Ward Wing Redevelopment
The Mary Ward Wing redevelopment will see a complete fit-out of 12 classrooms and informal learning spaces across Level 1 and 2 of our largest Senior School building. This completes our journey over the past five years to bring the College’s learning environment to a standard fit for modern pedagogy and into flexible spaces to accommodate future needs. Work is set to commence from Term 3 2022 and we are seeking donations to support the project in reaching its objectives.
3 Scholarship Fund – Gonzaga Barry Bursaries
Mother Gonzaga Barry ibvm was the foundress of Loreto Education in Australia. Her passion for girls’ education had a significant influence on the development of education across Australia. The Gonzaga Barry full academic bursaries offer a free place for girls whose families are otherwise could not afford a Loreto education. Our aim over the coming years is to build giving circles through regular donations from our Loreto community, whether annual, monthly or weekly commitments.
Old Scholar Reunions - Save the Date
50 Year Reunion
10 August 2022
Five Year Reunion
15 October 2022
40 Year Reunion
3 December 2022
Formal invitations to follow.
Old Scholar Grant Applications
Grant Applications small and large are now welcome for submission!
The Loreto Old Scholars' Association's rules are set out in a way that provides the committee with discretion to spend the income generated from the LOSA investment fund on projects and initiatives that encourage and support the objectives of the association.
All persons interested are invited to submit an application by 30 June.
Further details can be located on our website:
Week 9 Dates
Monday 27 - Thursday 30 June
Year 11 Exams
Tuesday 28 - Thursday 30 June
Year 10 Exams
Monday 27 June
Year 3 String Concert, 6pm PAC
Wednesday 29 June
Year 11 Debating
Futures Project Expo
Thursday 30 June
Preschool Information Evening, 5.15pm
Year 11 Production, 6.30pm
Friday 1 July
Term 2 Ends
Boarders Travel Day
Tuesday 26 July
Term 3 Commences