A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Last week the Scholastic Book Fair was held, which was organised by the Parents and Friends. This was enjoyed by students and parents.
Our School raised $830.00 in Credit. This will enable us to buy some lovely books for the Library.
Many thanks to Jacklyn Lamb, Bianca Lane, Ange Collins, Belinda Riseley, Andrea Kiel, Katie Mills, Kate Fairgray, Jess Collins, Bec Monk, Lisa Morey and Rosie Dickins for helping to run the sessions.
Special thanks goes to Joel Brian for all his work, and who attended every session and reconciled the orders with the support of Jo Alper. A great effort by all!
This week we received over 300 new take home texts that will be in classrooms ready for Term 3. Money raised from the Hot Cross Buns Drive and the Fun Run was used to purchase these new books.
Many thanks to the Parents and Friends Committee for their fundraising efforts.
Year 5/6 Students
Our Year 5/6 students enjoyed a walk around Shepparton, looking at the Aboriginal Street Art Project - called Proud Strong Aboriginal People.
Murals featuring the late Sir Doug Nicholls and William Cooper, who made major contributions to the Region and Australia as a whole, and two significant past local Elders, Aunty Margaret Tucker, one of the first female Aboriginal Rights Activists and Nora "Nanny" Charles, one of the earliest and best known local Aboriginal Midwives. These Murals are located in the Laneway off Fryers Street.
Children then went to 176 Welsford Street to view the Murals of the late Aunty Violet Harrison and Aunty Mary James and then on to 163 Welsford Street, depicting the late Aunty Geraldine Briggs and the late Aunty Elizabeth Morgan. All four ladies are highly regarded local Yorta Yorta Elders.
Students then went to 70 Welsford Street and saw the Mural of Private Daniel Cooper, a Yorta Yorta man who fought for Australia during World War 1.
The students finished with visiting the William Cooper Memorial Statue in the Queen's Gardens. William Cooper was an Activist and Community Leader who was instrumental in campaigns for Aboriginal rights. He was also known for his protest against the treatment of Jews in World War 2.
Students in the Senior Years are looking at major events in Australia's history and famous Australians. This excursion was undertaken during Reconciliation Week.
Thanks to all Year 5/6 teachers and to the 5/6 students for their great behaviour.
Teachers have been very busy completing Semester 1 Reports. Teachers have assessed their students and looked at all the data in order to complete these. Reports will be sent home on Thursday, 23rd June.
As mentioned previously, we have had a great deal of sickness at school, and we thank parents for ensuring students are kept at home while sick. Staff have also been sick with the Flu Virus going around.
I'm sure Staff, Students and families look forward to the School Holiday's to recover and rest.
School will finish at 2.20pm on Friday, 24th June.
Congratulations to Tom Collins, Didi Kuol and Nate Pelly who attended the Soccer trials in Darebin for the Victorian Schools Soccer today. The day was very cold and rainy but the boys did very well.
Nate Pelly has been selected to go through to the next stage, a great effort - well done boys and good luck Nate!
Regional Cross Country
Good luck to the following students who ran at the Regional Cross Country in Benalla today:
- Bentley Corbo
- Harrison Gooiker
- Jessie Kabangu
- Zak Gale
- Ivy Stevens
Pictured below are Jessie and Ivy who placed 15th and 31st in a field of 42. Well done girls. Best of luck to Bentley, Harrison and Zak.
Goodbye and Good luck
We farewell Millie Casey as she finishes tomorrow and begins Maternity Leave.
We thank Millie for her care, work ethic and teaching at our school, working with Foundation/Year 1 students. Our Staff will miss her.
We wish Millie and Grant all the best in the upcoming birth of their baby, a very exciting time for them.
We are still organising a replacement teacher for Millie's Class and we will notify families as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,