Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Thank you to everyone for their flexibility and participation in this week's Parent/Teacher interviews.  If you have been unable to attend a meeting this week, please contact your child's teacher to organise an alternate time.  


Please note that next Friday 3rd June is a report writing day for staff and a pupil free day for students.  OSHC will be running for families who require childcare, however bookings are essential.


The Upper Hume Division Cross Country will be held next Friday, 3rd June, in Wodonga, for those students in years 3-6, who qualified at Tawonga. Transport and supervision is the responsibility of parents and more information has been sent home this week with participating students.  Families are asked to please confirm participation via Compass Events.


As an SRC initiative, last week students cast their vote for which animal they would like to 'adopt'.  While the voting was tight, in the end the koala was the winner.  Over the year, SRC will be running fundraising events to support wildlife carers and medical facilities to care for sick, injured and vulnerable koalas and to help create and maintain wildlife corridors to help keep koalas safe and healthy. 

The previously planed presentation with Dylan Alcott, has now been rescheduled to be held on Wednesday 15th June.  All students in Years 5&6 will be participating in this event, which has been made possible thanks to the Alpine Shire.


In music, our students have been busy preparing for the upcoming Music Showcase performances.  The first of these will include performances from the 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 classes and will be held on Wednesday 8th June from 2.30-3.15pm, in the under-cover area.  Families and friends are all welcome to attend.


This year, we will be celebrating NAIDOC week with a special day of events on Monday 20th June.  Students will be working in multi-age groupings to participate in a range of activities and more information will be provided closer to the time.

Many thanks to the support of families and friends, in helping us to raise $550 towards providing emergency support to refugee children forced to flee their homes.  The challenge ends next week and we are really proud of the effort students have made over the month to achieve their goal.  For more information on how you can make a donation,please see our team page here.

Other Reminders:

*We are still collecting old runners for recycling, as part of our  'Tread Lightly' campaign to reduce landfill.  Alternatively, you can also drop off your shoes at participating stores.  To read more about this program, please see this link.


*RATs may still be collected from the office through until the end of term.  It is recommended that RATs are used by students when symptomatic. RATs are also required to be used for 5 days if a student is a close contact of a confirmed case and they are attending school. Families are no longer required to undertake twice-weekly testing of non-symptomatic students, but are required to continue to notify the Department of Health and the school if your child returns a positive RAT result. Additionally, you should inform us if any of your children are household contacts.

nb. Students aged 8 and older, who are household contacts, are required to wear a mask indoors.


*Please continue to check and update any new or past student absences via the Compass portal.