Interview with Sharon Demetriou

Interview with Mrs Sharon Demetriou 2B


How long have you worked at BNPS? 

I have been at BNPS full time since 2000 when my son Peter started Prep, so that’s 22 years. But before I had my daughter Caitlin, I worked at the school for 1 and a half years. So in total I have been working at BNPS for 23 and a half years. I am now part of the furniture!!!!


Who  inspires you?  

My mother in law because she has sacrificed a lot for her family and is always thinking of others.



What is your favourite thing to on the weekends?

I love having nanny naps, going to op shops or markets and going out with family and friends. 



Are you an early bird or a night owl?  

Definitely not a night owl. I love to go to bed early and get my beauty sleep!!!!


What might someone be surprised to know about you?

It might surprise people but I struggled with maths in high school, but now love teaching it and trying to make it fun for the children. I really enjoy seeing children’s maths knowledge develop and grow!


 What recently made you smile?

Watching my son Peter’s dog Loki running and spinning around chasing other dogs at the park.


If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose ? 

An astronaut to see what it is like to travel into space and see the Earth far below.



What would you like to say to your students?


Always try your best and that anything is possible if you give it a go. Also always have fun and laugh a lot!!!