Prep News

Maths - Addition

This week the Preps have been exploring the Number 12. We considered all the places we have seen the number 12, like on letterboxes or buses and around the classroom. The Preps even came up with 12:00am as the time Cinderella had to leave the ball! 

We used our Number of the Week (12) to explore addition. We recognised that we need two tens frames to count to 12 and we also need two sets of hands to make 12. The Preps had a lot of fun using dominoes and their fingers to consider what numbers go together to make 12! 


The Preps then had the opportunity to consider equations and how we represent addition in a number sentence. We have been consolidating our skills in MathSeeds during our iPad sessions.

Inquiry - Popcorn Making

To tie in with our current Unit of Inquiry the Preps participated in a Popcorn experiment. The Preps considered how the popcorn sounded as it popped, what it smelt like, felt like and of course, tasted like! The students then completed a poster on their findings.

The Preppies thought it was really fun completing their experiment in the staffroom. They even shared the popcorn with the Year One teachers!

SMART Spelling

Each week the Prep children enjoy participating in a SMART Spelling lesson with Michelle Huchison. SMART Spelling incorporates both the systematic teaching of spelling each week and revises common words.

At the beginning of each week, we watch one of Michelle’s lessons on our ‘Word of the Week’ and ‘Sentence of the Week’. The Preps really enjoy the weekly videos from Michelle and we find the program easy to implement. The SMART Spelling program caters to a range of abilities and the children are learning a range of strategies they can apply.

The Prep children love completing a craft activity related to the ‘Word of the Week’. The children used the technique of paper tearing to create their gorgeous froggies with long red tongues. 


 Great job kids!