Our Learning Story

Wominjeka from Libby (Assistant Principal & Teaching and Learning Leader)

The Learning Story

Every child at Wollert Primary School has a learning story. This unique profile highlights a child's strengths and passions as a learner whilst establishing the next point in learning. 

Our school shares your child's learning story through the platform Seesaw. A range of work samples, celebrations and community events are shared weekly with connected families. As your child progresses through our school, their learning story continues and is stored digitally until they graduate in year six. As parents/guardians, this is a wonderful way to view your child's learning and progress over time, and as educators, we can track learning growth and celebrate successes. 

Assessment Tasks

Each term, your child will complete an assessment task in the areas of Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry. Your child's responses and results from these assessments are shared with you via Seesaw.  The task will be accompanied by a task description, strength and your child's next point in learning. You can easily identify assessment tasks by the post being tagged to the blue folder named 'Assessment Tasks'

Home Learning Connection

Evidence for learning states that parents/ guardians play an integral role in supporting their child’s learning. High levels of parental engagement are directly related to better learning outcomes. 


Developing a regular, purposeful home learning routine helps students practice the skills taught in school. Home learning allows parents/guardians to engage in their child's learning and support outcomes. Our brain works like a muscle and grows with practice; therefore, engaging in home learning routines helps children achieve their personal learning goals.

Using your child's next point of learning, as described on their digital portfolio, will assist you in ways you can make connections between learning at school and home. 


This is best illustrated through an example:

A child is assessed on their ability to tell the time, as visually shown on their assessment task. The teacher has assessed they were successful in telling the time to o'clock, and their next point of learning is to tell the time to 'half past'. 

Home learning activities that would assist in reinforcing what is taught in the classroom at home could include:

-Asking your child to tell the time (o'clock and half past)

-Drawing your child's attention to different clocks (digital and analogue)

-Discuss the hands of an analogue clock (hour and minute) and discuss which hand will help us know when the time is 'half past'

-Make links between fractions and telling time. Half-past refers to 'half', which can be seen on a clock.

-Make connections between counting and telling the time, e.g. counting time in five-minute blocks until reaching 30 minutes (half-past)


How is this different to 'Homework'?

Generally, 'homework' is described as activities or work sent home for a child to work on (generally, the same task is prescribed for every child). The difference with the Wollert approach is that we only recommend home learning that is personalised to the needs of each student. 

Providing students with the same 'work' will not meet their personalised learning needs. Using assessment tasks and your child's next learning point ensures an approach to home learning where what is taught in the classroom is reinforced at home.


A key point to remember is that children attend school for over six hours, five days a week. For this reason, home learning should involve making connections and authentic experiences. Providing an arduous amount of 'work' for students to complete after a busy day of learning at school can cause disengagement and cognitive overload. 

How can I find Home Learning activities that will support my child?

As the term progresses, we will provide more information about home learning suggestions specific to year levels. However, your child's Homeroom Teacher will have many suggestions that will complement the learning in the classroom. 

Please ask for some suggestions to support your child's next point of learning in the upcoming Learning Story Conferences ( 22nd & 23rd of November).


Please get in touch with your child's Homeroom Teacher if you are not connected to Seesaw.


Please book a 'Learning Story Conference' with your child's Homeroom Teacher. Booking system information will be sent on Compass this week.