Child Safety...

Privacy and your child


You can help your child to stay in control of their personal information, online photos and social media identity. 


When your child shares information like their phone number, personal email address, the name of their school, or home address online, there is a risk it could be used in ways they may not have thought about.  


Personal information gathered online can be misused and result in things like spam, scams, fraud, unwanted contact and grooming or even identity theft.  


Photos of your child that are posted online or shared through social networks might end up travelling more widely than intended or they could be ‘harvested’ from social media or other websites and used for unintended purposes. 


It is important that your child is aware of where and how information that identifies them is available online. They should also think about who can access it, what others may be doing with their information and the impression they are leaving for others to find.


How to build digital intelligence

Promote respectful communication

Encourage empathy 

Teach them to question

Encourage safe and responsible behaviour