Teaching & Learning

English Language
English Language Update: Newsletter
In Term 2, English Language students have explored the advantages and disadvantages that additional language learners and bilingual speakers experience, as well as how additional language learning differs to child language acquisition. Currently, some students are working on academic research and collecting primary and secondary data, involving recording speakers in conversation and comparing their data to the results of linguistic studies. Others are constructing academic research responses to linguistic questions, providing objective and scientific explorations of their chosen topics.
Did you know?
Some studies have shown that if you know two or more languages and you have a risk of Alzheimer's, you may actually experience a delay in the onset of symptoms. This link is discussed in terms of the cognitive brain stimulation that occurs when using and switching between languages. What does this mean for us? If you're not already bilingual or proficient in more than one language, it's never too late to learn!
Selina Dennis
Our Foods students have been whipping up some amazing dishes lately, here are some of them:
This is the year 9s who made Nachos when learning about Mexico!
This is the year 10s who made spaghetti bolognese with some hidden vegetables and lentils for their KLT! They are learning about nutrition and how to create a dish that fuels your body!
Staff were able to join the fun in the kitchen during our recent Professional Learning Day. This is Jeanette running the "Good Mood Food" Activity and inspiring staff with some delicious, nutritious and quick lunch ideas for work days!
Here are the year 9s designing and practicing making their own dumplings!
They got to choose from a range of ingredients and produce their dumplings as a practice run for their design task in KLT 3!
This week the Year 11s have been learning about how different cultures and cuisines have impacted what we eat today. In our practical class, the students focused on unpacking Greek cuisine flavours, cooking techniques and processes. They demonstrated their knowledge by producing a range of Mezze style sharing plates. Some items included homemade pita, marinated olives, tzatziki, hummus and fried halloumi.
And finally, the happy smiles of the Year 12s after prac this week!
Olivia, Chantelle, & the Foods Team
We are proud to present these upcoming performances from our Music students, come along to support them and enjoy a great evening!
Anna Berlingeri
Year 9 Extravaganza!
Year 9 has been a hive of activity the last two weeks!
Week 3 saw students meet with a career counsellor to unpack their Morrisby
results and learn more about future possible pathways and subjects that might suit them, their interests and aptitudes.
To jazz up Week 4 and reduce possible negativity about having to complete NAPLAN, we partnered it up with a range of activities themed around careers and ‘investing in your future’. This included:
- resume writing and learning about the world of work
- learning about the rights of young people when they enter the workforce in a presentation by Cameron Hunter, a youth lawyer from the Northern Community Legal Centre
- Learning about how your digital identity can hinder or help your job seeking in a webinar by Dom Phelan from Digital Thumbprint
- Fun activities like a doughnut morning, pizza lunch, career dress up day and movie outing!
Student comments:
A fun week with a lot of fun activities | Conor 9E |
The people who came in were thrilling | Lily 9E |
NAPLAN was orright! | Amali 9E |
Thanks for the pizza! | Luca 9F |
Thanks for the donuts! | Sienna 9F |
Year 9s were exceptional through these two weeks and a real credit to themselves! Our next adventure is an excursion to Melbourne Uni to get students thinking about what pathways they’d like to take post-school.
Melanie Buscema-Moore
Year 9 Sub School Leader
VCE Specialist Maths
Last week, when the sun slipped out in between the cold winter breeze, our year 11 Specialist Maths students went outdoors for a good 'spin'.
These hard-working VCE students studied conic sections (circular movement). As an elaboration, students acted out those shapes. As shown in the image, the student sitting on the chair is acting out the centre of the circle, the other students are looping around them to form a circle. Students also acted out the formation of ellipses, hyperbolas, and parabolas.
Domingo Hu
Year 9
During this term, our year 9 students have been working on the Measurement unit. Students are designing their own swimming pool and applying key Mathematical knowledge and skills gained throughout the unit to their design process.
Thi Pham
Year 8
Currently, our year 8 students are working on the Probability and Statistics unit. Students are creating their own survey questions, surveying their peers, displaying their results and analysing their findings.
Year 7
During this term, our year 7 students have been working on the Number Pattern unit. Students investigated repeating number patterns by identifying the number sequence, using objects such as matchsticks, recording the relationships through constructing a rule and visually displaying this relationship by plotting it on a graph.
Mem Oztas
Maths Club
During this term, we are continuing to run Maths Club. Our dedicated Maths teachers are supporting students with their work and offering extension and enrichment opportunities. We encourage our students to drop by for extra support or extension and enrichment opportunities. Maths Club is on every Wednesday lunch in AU.06.
Mem Oztas
Challenge Time
Please email your responses to memduha.oztas@coburg.vic.edu
Answers will be released in the next Newsletter edition.
Mem Oztas
Well Science has been super! We have been dissecting fish in Marine Biology, looking at equilibrium & hydrocarbons in VCE Chemistry.
Our amazing year 7's are completing their classification unit and had a fabulous practical using microscopes looking at pre prepared slides of blood
and plant specimens. We have captured some great photos of 7A with their microscopes!
Our year 9's did their chemical unit in which they looked at precipitation, pH and the flame test - we did have some brilliant photos for you
- but the phone broke and we can't recover the photos
Students in the Year 9 Forensics Elective had a blast reading scenarios and looking for evidence in the Crime Scene-in-a-Box dioramas. Crimes were solved and mysteries pondered! Great work Forensics students!
The year 8's are studying geology and looking at rock types with our wonderful rock kits!
- it's rock hard!
On that note here's some geology jokes !
Where do rocks like to sleep?
In bedrocks.
What did the metamorphic rock say during the test?
This is just too much pressure!
Why was the sedimentary rock so cheap?
Because it was on shale.
When were rock puns the funniest puns of all time?
During the Stone Age.
What does a rock eat?
Want to hear a great rock pun?
Just give me a moment and I'll dig one up.
Hope you are all well!!!!
Many Thanks
The Fantastic Science Team