Secondary School News

Secondary School News


JUNE 2020

As we approach the end of term two, I look back over the last few months and reflect over the year that 2020 has been so far. We started this year welcoming the new Year seven students who transitioned from grade six into their first year of high school and watched last year’s sevens and eights progress into their respective higher levels. Term one was fast paced, warm , exciting and so very busy.

The SRC student representatives were chosen by their peers and under the capable leadership of Hibo Khalif and Hero Minogue, our Year 12 SRC Captains, a wonderful Training Day was organised and enjoyed by the 55 student representatives. Swimming sports were an enjoyable and fun filled day, enjoyed by grade five to year ten students, who all seemed to enjoy the competition between Houses and encouraging their friends’ efforts. Luckily before the abrupt and rather eerie ending to the first term, Year 9 Steiner students managed to partake on a wonderful Hiking camp, the year 8 Steiners enjoyed their Surf Camp and most year 7 Steiner and Mainstream students enjoyed the City camp before normal life changed rather abruptly for everyone. 

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our year 7 to 9 teaching community for the exemplary work that was put into place the moment we all had to revert to remote teaching/learning. We all stumbled about a bit initially, but through perseverance and hard work (starting before the end of term one and with real focus during the entire holiday period, teachers were able to deliver an engaging, relevant, smoothly delivered curriculum that was hopefully well received and enjoyed by the students.  The students themselves found it all a bit different, but as with the teachers, after a while most students were able to settle down into a new way of learning and applied themselves willingly, maturely and positively. 

Thank you to the Principal class, both our new Principal Sam and the Assistant Principal Judith for their support of the teachers throughout this period of remote teaching/ learning; for ensuring that all students were provided with the necessary resources if needed, for the constant communication with the staff throughout Isolation and for being at the school overseeing all management areas throughout this period when teachers and students were at home. Thank you to Claire and the office team for assisting students with the practical business of overseeing the provision of technical resources for students and supporting families with queries and problems during this time.

We have all experienced a new ‘normal’ during the last few months, not a situation that anyone could ever have predicted, but one that was deemed serious enough to prioritise everyone’s safety and wellbeing. As a school community leader and as the person overseeing the 7 to 9 Middle School, I can only reiterate the efforts that the teachers, students and parents have all put in to make this time away a relevant, harmonious, smooth, successful and safe period of time. 

We are all looking forward to catching up with our students finally for face to face teaching, our students have been really and sincerely missed by all their teachers. Thank you to all the students who have expressed their desire to come back to school and who have admitted how much they have missed the daily contact with their teachers and  the social interactions with other students.  Thank you to those students who have also expressed how this experience has made them realise how important school is in their lives. It is always wonderful to reflect, acknowledge and appreciate those things we have always taken for granted. How lucky we are to be able to resume next week, safe, positive and full of enthusiasm for out learning. We are all looking forward to a Wednesday June 10th when we welcome you all back. 

Thank you, 

Liria Stratus

Middle School Learning Community Leader




"Hi there," Year 7 students. What a long period of time since we last saw you altogether in the Year 7 area…..running, jumping and enthusiastically being part of the High school. When I welcomed you at the start of the year I had no idea how things were going to pan out and what a tumultuous first semester this turned out to be!!! 


I would like to congratulate all of you for your efforts this second term. It was not the way we thought term two was going to be, but now after over two months at home, we would like to thank you all for your efforts with the remote learning and would like to welcome you back with open arms. Your teachers have really missed you and are so glad that we can sort of go back to ‘normal’. You are important to all of us and we are glad that school is resuming for you all next week. Also, well done for your participation in the remote learning with your enthusiasm, positivity and good efforts.

I would like to remind all students that reports are being put together at the moment by your teachers and we would like to see you all making an effort to make sure that most of your work is finished so teachers can get on with their assessments. I would like to let students know that we are running catch up classes after school next week for students to actually have assistance and time for the catch up.

We are encouraging all Year 7 and 8 students to enter their respective locker areas by using the ‘After Care' gates to enter the school and then to use the West staircase to go straight into the Year 7 area. (Year 8 students will walk through and go straight to their area)

Looking forward to seeing you next week for the next three weeks, before the term two holiday break. 

Thank you, 

Liria Stratus

Year 7 Co-Ordinator



YEAR 9 – Term 2 Remote Learning 2020 

We are all very excited to see all of our Year 9 students coming back on campus next week! We have all been through a very interesting experience but have worked well to get to the other side and back to school. The feedback I have received from most students is that they are ready to get back into a routine and see one another again. 

Every student has had their ups and downs throughout remote learning. Communicating with their teachers regularly really stepped up as well as navigating the online platforms of google classroom, Google Meet, Webex and more! I could not be more proud of how well our Year 9 cohort has succeeded. 

From learning a new skill and creating healthy recipes in Health & PE, discovering linear relationships in Maths, tectonic plates including earthquakes and volcanoes in Science. Gothic Fiction and films studies in English, food waste in Humanities and learning about transport and communication in Main lesson. These are just to name A FEW of the incredible topics that our staff have worked hard to deliver to our students. 

A reminder to please enter and exit the school through the Hoddle st gates or through the ‘Aftercare’ side gate near the front office. Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day and a mind ready to learn! 

Stephanie Moussi

Year 9 Coordinator 




Term 2, 2020 onwards PE Attire Footwear Update


Dear Parents / Carers,


As you will be aware Collingwood College has made significant upgrades to our sporting facilities and front oval. These upgrades have now finished and are in full use by our students. If you have not yet seen the upgrades for yourself please contact the college to arrange a viewing.

Whilst these upgrades have been taking place we have reviewed our college’s PE Attire Policy to ensure it is current and up to date with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements for the two new areas and to minimise any potential risk to students. Safety whilst performing physical activity is always an area that we constantly review. 

From the beginning of Term 2 2020, Tuesday 14th April 2020, all secondary students will be required to wear non marking ‘runners’ footwear to all PE lessons.  Please see the pictures attached for clarification of our ‘runners’ policy to ensure you are aware of what runners will be compliant footwear and what is NOT compliant footwear. Collingwood College also has a PE Sports polo shirt which is available to purchase from the front office. 

Also remember wearing any denim jeans/shorts, cargo pants/shorts, board shorts and long/tight skirts that restrict movement during any PE activity is still not acceptable.

Your child does not need to purchase expensive named brand footwear. All major superstores offer a compliant runner at a very reasonable cost. 

Thank you for your understanding with our new policy. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information of what is or isn’t acceptable runners within the new Collingwood College PE Attire policy. 



These shoes with an X next to them do not provide enough arch support. They do not provide enough grip and support for changing directions on all types of surfaces.



James Agombar

Head of Physical Education and Sport

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