Family & Staff Art Challenge
Vote here for your favourite artwork
Family & Staff Art Challenge
Vote here for your favourite artwork
Thank you to all of our families who have submitted their recreated art work. All of our submissions were of a high quality and it will be hard to define a winner so we are relying on the power of the people. Please look below and pick out your favourite recreation and lodge your vote at the below link. We will be awarding 2 prizes:
Thank you to all of our staff who have submitted their recreated art work. All of our submissions were of a high quality and it will be hard to define a winner so we are relying on the power of the people. Please look below and pick out your favourite recreation and lodge your vote at the below link. We know that Mr Roberts will try to vote multiple times for the Mona Roberts so we have limited it to 1 vote per device. We will be awarding 2 prizes:
Thank you to Mrs Mercer for her organisation and support with this challenge.