From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



The recent announcement by our Education Minister and Acting Premier James Merlino around the level of inappropriate parent behaviours directed towards school staff was welcomed by school leaders across the system. At Caulfield Junior College we have clear expectations around this issue and the wonderful levels of support and acknowledgement we receive from our community outweighs the unfortunate interactions that create these issues. 

Poor behaviours and interactions will not be tolerated. Be polite, speak to our staff in a manner you would like to be addressed and remember our staff and administration are working in the best interests of the school and our students.


Next Friday morning, May 14th, we are taking part in the ‘National Walk Safely to School Day’ program. We are inviting families to walk their child/ren to school. This annual campaign encourages all primary school children, their parents and carers to walk safely and regularly to school. All students who walk to school on this day will receive a ‘Walk Safely to School Day’ sticker.


A very big thank you to the amazing group of parents and students who attended our working bee on Sunday. The garden alongside Sebastopol Street has had a fabulous makeover thanks to your hard work and we appreciate the time and effort you put into improving it. 


Our Mother’s Day Stall was another resounding success. The volunteers made sure all our

little customers went home with a little something special to give to those mums, carers and relatives who they will celebrate with on Sunday. Thanks again to everyone involved.

The modern Mother's Day began in the United States, at the initiative of Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century. It is not directly related to the many traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have existed throughout the world over thousands of years but has become an important modern tradition when we can spend time together and acknowledge the importance of this special day. It is celebrated on many different dates across the globe.


We are hosting many local families on school tours as they commence the enrolment process for their children. Victorian Curriculum families with current enrolments will have subsequent sibling enrolment honoured. The Victorian Curriclum enrolments are due by the end of August. If you are intending to enrol your child for 2022, please contact the office to commence this process. If you know of a neighbour, friend or relative who is intending to enrol please ask them to also contact the office so we can update our records and commence accurate planning for the coming school year.


National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a nationwide testing program that is conducted at year 3 and 5 in all primary schools. Staff have been preparing for these assessments and the children will be supported through the three day testing program commencing next week.


From Mme. Pommier,

French Director.


Chers parents et tuteurs,


Réponses au questionnaire 2020 du Programme français binational


Je tiens à remercier les participants de la conférence en ligne qui s’est tenue le 5 mai dernier,  présentant les résultats au questionnaire de satisfaction 2020. A cette occasion le leadership de l’école a pu réaffirmer sa volonté de maintenir des efforts continus pour l’amélioration du Programme.

Les axes principaux d’amélioration portent sur :

  • L’amélioration de la communication des résultats des élèves
  • L’amélioration de la communication des contenus du programme
  • Le renforcement de l’enseignement de l’histoire et de la géographie
  • Le renforcement de l’enseignement de la grammaire, conjugaison et orthographe en français
  • Davantage de soutien personnalisé pour les élèves.

L’école a déjà mis en place un certain nombre de mesures pour l’amélioration du programme. Pour avoir plus d’informations vous pouvez consulter la présentation du questionnaire ici,


et retrouver la vidéo de la conférence en cliquant ici.



Nous remercions encore une fois le sous-comité du PFB pour leur participation à ce questionnaire et pour leur implication et leur engagement continus. La satisfaction de notre communauté et la réponse aux attentes des familles sont essentielles à l’excellence de notre programme binational.

Je vous souhaite tous une bonne Fête des Mères et un excellent weekend !


Results of the 2020 French Binational Program survey


I would like to thank everyone who took part in the May 5th webinar where the results of the 2020 French Binational Program satisfaction survey were presented.  This was a good opportunity for the school’s leadership team to reaffirm its engagement to continuously enhance our program.

The key improvement sectors are:

  • Improve communication regarding student results
  • Improve communication regarding the program contents
  • More geography and history lessons
  • More grammar, conjugation and spelling lessons in French
  • More personalised and differentiated support for the students

The school has already implemented some measures to improve the program. For more information, please refer to the presentation of the survey by clicking here,

you can view a recording of the webinar by clicking here.


Thank you again to the FBP sub-committee for their participation in this survey and for their ongoing active role and engagement.  Community satisfaction and meeting our families’ expectations are paramount to our French Binational Program’s excellence.

I wish you all a happy Mother’s Day and an excellent weekend!