Student Wellbeing 

What's been happening this term!

National Day Against Violence and Bullying

On Friday 19th March, ECSC celebrated National Day against Violence and Bullying. Throughout the week students have been working on activities during their Wellbeing sessions.


On the day, students were able to participate in lunchtime activities that involved teamwork and peer support.


If you have specific concerns about your child at school, contact the Year Level Coordinator.

If you want to speak to someone else about your child now, contact the parent line in your area for support from outside the school.

Parentline: 13 22 89


If you are experiencing serious online bullying, you can report material to the eSafety Commissioner or your local Police.


Victoria Police Girls Group at ECSC

For the past 8 weeks, a group of selected girls have been involved in a Girls Group with our Victoria Police Youth Resource Officer - Senior Constable Wendy Shields.


The program is focused on supporting girls Health and Wellbeing, and Positive Interactions between girls. The program will run over 8 weeks and will cover the following themes:            

  • Identity             
  • Social Media / Friendship          
  • Respectful Relationships / Love / Happiness       
  • Parties and Alcohol / Safety / Community           
  • Skin Care / Self Care / Mental Health
  • Hair Care / Body Image

Each week’s session will have participants undertake a “Hands on” activity.



For the past 3 weeks, a group of selected boys have been involved in Tritactics.


Tritactics is a trauma-informed program that aims to promote respect for oneself and others, discipline, confidence, concentration, fitness, flexibility, coordination, and self-defence. The course assists participants to recognise their own emotions and the way in which our behaviours (often from strong emotions) shape our lives.   


Tritactics helps participants to understand they can choose their behavioural reaction to a strong emotion in a way that shapes their life in a positive way, rather than being reactionary.   Participants leave with a deeper understanding of how to control themselves in difficult situations and how their attitude impacts on their successes, aimed at giving the participants a feeling of empowerment.


This program has been funded through School Focused Youth Services and will continue throughout the year.


Baseline Youth Services

Baseline for young people, offers a range of services to help local young people – aged 10 to 25 – actively participate in their community. Young people from all backgrounds and abilities are invited to take part and get involved in everything we do.


Baseline are running Lunchtime programs every Monday and is available for all students.

They will run a range of activities from arts and crafts, sporting events and discussions about young people in the community.

For more information on Baseline head to