Middle School Report

Middle School
Overall it has been a great start to the school year with a full term on-site and the opportunity to hold year level assemblies throughout the term. Middle School Students have had a highly successful term and have persevered through their first full on-site term in 12 months.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the school community for their ongoing support of our students and our college. Have a well deserved break and we look forward to working with you again in term 2.
Phil Adams
Middle School Assistant Principal
Year 7
Year seven students have had a very positive first term. Well done to you all for starting your school year off so excellently. Students that attended the year seven camp to Lake Dewar reflected our school values and enjoyed their day out. We saw some fantastic leadership by students who pushed themselves out of their comfort zones by trialing new activities.
Overall, we have been very proud of our 2021 year seven students that have settled into high school life smoothly and have been learning some exciting, new things in the classroom. These are just some of the learning highlights mentioned by year seven students;
- Getting our bunsen burner licenses in Science - Divnoor Singh 7C
- Learning about dynasties of Ancient China in Humanities - Kaitlyn Cashen 7B
- Becoming stronger persuasive writers in English - Evodie Bulaba 7C
- Doing scaffolding Maths suited to our ability to build our Maths skills - Najma Mohamed 7G
- Learning how to communicate in Spanish “Cómo estás?” - Gursher Virk 7I
- PE/Health - Playing sport like soccer and fun games with classmates to make us stronger and better team players! - Ali Al Khafaji 7B
- Getting a chance to learn new ‘hands-on’ subjects such as Art, Performing Arts, Digital Technology and Food Technology - Gabriel Ristevski 7D
Embrace Learning Awards
This term Year 7 English teachers nominated two students from their class that showed the school value of ‘Embrace Learning’ and the following
- Arriving the class with all the correct learning equipment
- Maximise learning opportunities
- Challenge themselves and ask for help when they need it
- Seek out new knowledge and ideas
These students included:
7A: Hard Patel and Maddyson Adams
7B: Alistair Van der Stal and Sohie Sidhu
7C: Hashiru Katudampe Thantrige and Evodie Bulaba
7D: Bella Libreri and Shaban Al Shalloum
7E: Ifra Khan and Simar Singh
7F: Eliza Anjith and Miguel Resurreccion
7G: Michelle Trinh and Kayden Yoeun
7H: Mannat Grewel and Collin Elambasseril
7I: Niveda Lenu and Ethan Elambasseril
7J: Bianca Strakalj and Iiesh Jain
Congratulations on receiving the English award and showing a positive attitude and work ethic in Term 1! Keep it up!
Leadership in Year Seven
We have also selected our year seven house leaders and sustainability leaders! Congratulations to the below students for successfully obtaining a leadership role at ECSC!
Wollert |
Hemal Sharma 7B |
Harsimar Singh 7B |
Mcdonald |
Aydin Koc 7B |
Antonio Dellevergini 7A |
Jenkins |
Hailey Bangan 7F |
Bella Libreri 7D |
Doherty |
Shaban Al Salloum 7D |
Miranda Kunda 7A |
Sustainability Leaders |
Vivian Chand 7D |
Najma Mohamed 7G |
Congratulations to all of those that applied! It's great to see that we have so much leadership potential in year seven. Have a well deserved break, keep up the great work and looking forward to a positive term two!
Tanele Spiteri
Year Seven Coordinator
Year 8
Congratulations to all Year 8 students for making a positive start to the school year. It is great to see that students have kept up with routines and expectations and continued to challenge themselves inside and outside of the classroom.
In particular, the students in 8A and 8B were part of our elective subject Community Leadership and demonstrated great patience, initiative and leadership skills when they went into Edgar’s Creek Primary School to help out with the Prep students. Our Year 8 students went into the Prep classes during their Developmental Play session and assisted them with a variety of activities, including; cardboard fort making, playdough moulding, alphabet learning, reading and dressups. Congratulations to all students involved, who were able to demonstrate our school values and represent ECSC with great positivity.
As the term comes to an end it is important to reflect on achievements and goals for the new term ahead. An important event coming up is our Year 8 Camp- Lady Northcote, which will be early in Term 2 on Wednesday 19th May- Friday 20th May. The Year 8 Camp is an important part of the schools curricular and extra curricular program with the focus on building students capacity to work in teams, to solve challenges and problems by working collaboratively with their student peers.
Thank you for all the contributions this term. Wishing all students a relaxing and safe term break. We hope to see you recharged and full of energy for Term 2.
Leadership in Year 8
Congratulations to the following students for obtaining Leadership positions as House Captain this year
Calais Larosa | Wollert |
Fahma Faseer | Wollert |
Nisha Baysah | Mcdonald |
Joanne James | Mcdonald |
Victoria Le | Jenkins |
Navjot Kaur | Jenkins |
Aaron James-Zoccoli | Doherty |
Shreya Monga | Doherty |
Embrace Learning Awards
This term Year 8 English teachers nominated two students from their class that showed the school value of ‘Embrace Learning’ and the following
- Arriving the class with all the correct learning equipment
- Maximise learning opportunities
- Challenge themselves and ask for help when they need it
- Seek out new knowledge and ideas
These students included:
8A Fahma Faseer and Joe Prizmic
8B Alara Brown and Fahad El-Erris
8C Dvjot Kaur and Emre Kolik
8D Nishtha Sarma and Hader Al-Saabary
8E Manider Kaur and Alhassan Alshuraymi
8F Zyrah Nguyen and Rafael Goncalves
8G Amelia Gionta and William Silver
8H Anais Cadin and Bobby Lambevski
Sandale Ambegoda
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9
Well done Year 9 on navigating this busy first term at ECSC. This week our word of the week and themed focus in Homegroup has been REFLECT. At the end of our first term it is important that we take the time to reflect on our many successes and set ourselves goals for Term 2.
Well done to these students for achieving 100% attendance for Term 1
Agam Dhillon
Manish Kumar
Kloe Camporedondo
Izak Mihalcev
Chavvi Joshi, &
Jaiden Gumus
Yr 9 & 10 Summit Leadership Camp
Summit leadership camp was an enjoyable experience for Yr 9 and 10 students. This camp helped show leadership potential within all students. On our first day, we participated in the Monster course which had us work as a team through difficult challenges. They had us link arms and carry tyres around as we completed each challenge. Even the teachers participated to show that everyone in the team had to join and help with the race.
That evening we were put in a mind and belief program that helped us see what holds us back. Students were asked to write a problem in their life on a piece of wood and on the other side they were asked to solve it. Once everyone was done the instructors demonstrated how to break the wood. We all then got to have a go at breaking our piece of wood and breaking through the problem.
Kiarah and Jacinta
Embrace Learning Awards
This term Year 9 English teachers nominated two students from their class that showed the school value of ‘Embrace Learning’ and the following
- Arriving the class with all the correct learning equipment
- Maximise learning opportunities
- Challenge themselves and ask for help when they need it
- Seek out new knowledge and ideas
These students included:
9A: Mryana Qis Mussa and Ali Sadeghzadeh
9B: Aliza Kane and Tahlia Giacobbe
9C: Heifa Zeki and Ritesh Suneja
9D: Rakshita Chopra and Phillip Deak
9E: Jacinta Gionta and Ruben Santos
9F: Izk Mihalcev and Vidhi Patel
9G: Kanzy Saad and Jaiden Gumus
Congratulations on receiving the English award and showing a positive attitude and work ethic in Term 1! Keep it up!
In setting goals for Term 2 think about the College Values. Here are some goals that are very easy to achieve-
-Getting to lessons on time
-Having all your equipment for lessons
-I will use positive and inclusive language
For those of you who want a little more of a challenge-
-I will maximise my learning opportunities by asking questions in lesson and completing all the required work
-I will look at challenging myself by doing some extension activities
-I will look to inspire and motivate others
Have a safe and restful break.
Mel Broders
Year 9 Coordinator