Uniform- Getting ready for Winter

Winter Uniform
For term 2 and 3 the uniform changes to winter uniform!
In term 2 and 3, school blazers are to be worn to and from school. Please make sure you are ready to wear the winter uniform, you may need to go to the uniform shop over the holidays!
Change over date: 03/05/2021
The winter uniform includes:
For male students:
- The school tie
- Grey school pants or shorts
- Long sleeved or short sleeved school shirt
- School jumper
- Blazer
For female students:
- The school tie
- Winter skirt
- Blue or black stockings under skirt
- White or grey socks under skirt (if not wearing stockings)
- Grey school pants or shorts
- Long sleeved or short sleeved school shirt
- School jumper
- Blazer